The Secret
saying, "I have plenty."
    Visualize checks in the mail.
    Tip the balance of your thoughts to wealth. Think wealth.
    The Secret means that we are creators of our Universe, and that every wish that we want to create will manifest in our lives. Therefore, our wishes, thoughts, and feelings are very important because they will manifest.
    One day I went into the home of an art director, a very famous film producer. In every corner he had this beautiful image of a naked woman draped with a fabric, kind of turning away as if she were saying, "I don't see you." I said to him, "I think you might have trouble in your romance." And he said, "Are you clairvoyant?" "No, but look. In seven places, you have exactly that same woman."
    He said, "But I love that kind of painting. I painted it myself." I said, "That's even worse because you put all your creation and creativity in it."
    He's a gorgeous-looking man with all these actresses around him because that's the work he does, and he doesn't have any romance. I asked him, "What do you want?" "I want to date three women a week." I said, "OK, paint it. Paint yourself with three women, and hang it in every corner of your living space."
    Six months later I saw him and asked, "How is your love life?" "Great! Women call me, they want to date me." "Because that's your wish," I said. He said, "I feel great. I mean, for years I did not have a date and now I have three dates a week. They're fighting over me." "Good for you," I said.
    Then he told me, "I really want to stabilize. I want marriage now, I want romance." I said, "Well, then paint it." He painted a beautiful romantic relationship, and a year later he got married, and he's very happy.
    This is because he put another wish out. He wished it in himself for years without it happening because his wish could not manifest. The outer level of himself—his house—was contradicting his wish all the time. So if you understand this knowledge, you just start playing with it.
    Marie Diamond's story of her client is a perfect demonstration of how Feng Shui reflects the teachings of The Secret. It illustrates how our thoughts create powerfully when we put them into action. Any action we take must be preceded by a thought. Thoughts create the words we speak, the feelings we feel, and our actions. Actions are particularly powerful, because they are thoughts that have caused us to act.
    We may not even realize what our innermost thoughts are, but we can see what we have been thinking by looking at the actions we have taken. In the story of the film producer, his innermost thoughts were reflected in his actions and surroundings. He had painted many women, all turning away from him. Can you see what his innermost thoughts were? Even though his words were saying he wanted to date more women, his innermost thoughts did not reflect that in his paintings. By deliberately choosing to change his actions, it caused him to focus his entire thought on what he wanted. With such a simple shift, he was able to paint his life and call it into existence through the law of attraction.
    When you want to attract something into your life, make sure your actions don't contradict your desires. One of the most wonderful examples of this is given by Mike Dooley, one of the teachers featured in The Secret, in his audio course, Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic. It is a story of a woman who wanted to attract her perfect partner into her life. She had done all the right things: She got clear about what she wanted him to be like, made a detailed list of all of his qualities, and visualized him in her life. Despite doing all these things, there was no sign of him.
    Then one day as she arrived home and was parking her car in the middle of her garage, she gasped as she realized that her actions were contradicting what she wanted. If her car was in the middle of the garage, there was no room for her perfect

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