The Second Life of Magnolia Mae
Gwain’s young face appeared so fierce at that moment that she had to bite back her smile.
    “I have not met with such loyalty in a long time. Young Gwain, how would you like to be captain of the junior guards?”
    The little boy’s dark eyes grew big and his mouth nearly dropped open before he caught himself. “I would like it very much, m’lady.”
    “Very well. Tomorrow you will meet with Jaceson. He will inform you of your duties and training.” She watched as young Gwain bowed deeply then ran off to tell his friends. The other children excitedly followed after him.
    “Do you realize what you just did?” Alistair asked, lifting his cup to his lips.
    “I made Gwain a very happy young boy. He will grow to be a confident young man.” Her eyes followed young Gwain, watching as he excitedly told people of his new position.
    “You made more work for my brother.”
    Her glance flew to Alistair to see his smile broaden.
    “Do you find that amusing?” She quirked an eyebrow up.
    “Immensely.” She enjoyed the smug look on Alistair’s face and decided she should talk to Jaceson before morning.

    T HE FOLLOWING DAY M AGNOLIA was tired but dragged herself from her bed in order to see how things would go for young Gwain. After dressing and fixing her hair, she pulled on a heavy green wool cloak. She’d spent nearly a month in bed, and she was not in a hurry to get ill again. She had done that when she was a child.
    The air had the smell of oncoming snow. Men hurried about tending to last-minute items before the first snowfall of the season. She could see that all the homes had been repaired. A few men were carrying firewood into an abandoned house, and, from the looks of it, the others were full, along with the usual stacks of firewood that every family had outside their own homes. She knew from listening to villagers talk that an old building, once used to house animals, had been filled with firewood for the castle. The cellars and storerooms had been filled with food.
    Soon, she was in an open area not far from the stables where a group of men were gathered. It was not hard to pick out Jaceson from the group. He was training men. He and Alistair were determined to ensure the safety of Avengar. Finally, she found what she’d come searching for: young Gwain, fresh-faced and clothed in crisp clean garments, stood close to Alistair with his eyes trained on him. A steely look of determination was on the young boy’s face. Occasionally, he would nod as if to show that he understood what he was being told. Magnolia watched as the boy picked up his bow and notched the arrow. He was steady, his eyes never leaving the target before him. She could see him breathe out as he released the arrow. How she wanted to cheer when he hit the target, but she stopped herself when she saw the disappointment in his eyes.
    “I missed.” His voice carried over to her.
    “No, lad, you hit the target. Given time and a lot of practice, you will hit the center nearly every time.” Alistair stooped down so that he was at eye level with Gwain. “The important thing is that you listened to instructions, you never questioned me, and you tried your best. For never having held a bow before, I believe you have great potential.”
    Gwain beamed up at him, then went back to practicing.
    Magnolia watched them a while before she departed to walk through the village. She stopped to talk to some of the women and asked how they were doing. She wondered if there was anything that they needed. They were all content. Nobody had a single complaint, making Magnolia very happy. Many of the women expressed gratitude toward Jaceson for ensuring that the houses were sealed tight for the winter. Thankful that he had done as he’d told her he would, she went in search of him to tell him so.

    Sitting by the fire in the great hall, Magnolia was trying her hand at sewing. Christmas was approaching, and she wanted to give her friends

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