not, that utility room it connects too doesn’t have much insulation and it leaks cold into the house. That’s the reason I put that thermoelectric Eco fan on top of the stove pointing at it at night otherwise it doesn’t get that warm.” Dennis concluded.
“Well, we will sort out sleeping arrangements later. What projects are you going to be working on today?” His mom asked and then looked out the front window surveying the scenery.
“Good question. I think that I am going to try to burn off the raised beds in the garden today if they are dried out enough, if not, then I am going to till up a couple beds and put in some buckwheat and chick pea. That crop can be used as green manure and tilled in or we might be eating it if need be. I need to try to build me some cold frames out of those old trailer windows I got so we can grow something this season. Sometime today also I need to get up with Charles and Monica and sort out what we are doing. Now Mom, you got to look at Charlie and Monica as new members of our tribe now because that is exactly what they are. We are going to have to put away some prior notions of ‘just because I bought all these food preps” that we won’t be sharing somewhat equally with them because that is the only way it will work out for all of us.” Dennis explained as a lead in to what he wanted to bring up next.
“I know they are your friends Dennis, but you are not really that close of friends are you? I mean you have got thousands of dollars invested in your preps from what I see and I don’t understand you wanting to just give a bunch of them away like that. I still have not figured out how you managed to put so much food together with you having very little money coming in. ‘his mom quizzed him about where he got the funds to do so much preparedness.
‘It took me over 6 years to accumulate all that stuff a little bit at a time and I was back in school when I started on the project. I also moved back home with you for a while to help out while you were sick and I was in school so it was easier to accumulate extra food for storage with you buying most of the daily groceries for us. So all in all, it worked out well and we are lucky to have all these supplies on hand. Charles and Monica have food stored themselves for a couple weeks until they have to switch over to the couple months’ worth of beans and rice they got. We are going to augment the monotony of that and Charles and I will be hunting and trapping together and sharing game. This spring we both will have gardens so you see it’s not that big of an imposition and I really need their help for security, firewood cutting and a host of other things...” Dennis said wandering over to the kitchen cabinets and opening them up to survey the contents.
“ I just have assorted cans of food stuffed in those cabinets and I didn’t put them in any particular kind of order, you want to try organizing them for us? I got plenty of room in my prep shed for whatever doesn’t fit in the cabinets.” Dennis said surveying all the boxes of food they had brought from his moms house in the city and knowing there was very little room left in the jumbled mess of his kitchen cabinets.
“Okay, that sounds like a good project for me. Move those boxes of cans closer to the kitchen before you go out please. Dennis, do you think I should try to get Monica to help me sort all these boxes out if we are going to be sharing some of this food with them?” Dennis’s mom Mary asked with a cautious look appearing on her face.
“Now that is a good question Mom. They know I have a lot of food stored but they don’t know how much or exactly what I have. Let me think on that a second.” Dennis replied and went back to his cabinets for a quick survey of their contents. “I said I would share with them if the SHTF, but that doesn’t mean I have to share and share alike on everything. Let’s do some high grading before we