The Satanist

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Book: The Satanist by Dennis Wheatley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dennis Wheatley
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really good friends.’
    Her mind fixed on his words ‘and forget all about them’. They acted like a can of petrol poured on the fires of her Irish temper and, ignoring the rest of what he had said, she stormed at him:
    ‘So that’s how you treat girls who are reduced to giving themselves for money, is it? And what about afterwards?Say you’ve put the wretched girl in the family way. I suppose that’s no concern of your Lordship?’
    ‘Really, Margot!’ he protested. ‘I can’t think what’s got into you. A tart is a tart, and is doing a job of work like any other, even if at times it is not a very pleasant one. It is up to her to learn how to take care herself. If she doesn’t bother and gets caught, you can’t hold the man responsible.’
    ‘As he did it, he is.’
    ‘I don’t agree. If a chap is having an affair with a decent girl that, of course, is different. It is up to him to see that nothing goes wrong, and should they have the bad luck to have an accident, obviously it’s his responsibility to get her out of trouble. Listen, I’ll give you a parallel. When I was younger and lived in … out in Kenya, I often used to ride for other people in steeplechases. Say an owner had a really fractious horse and asked me as a favour to ride him, if the brute had thrown me and I’d broken a leg I’d have had the right to expect the owner to cough up my doctor’s fees and hospital expenses. But if he had paid me for the job, and I’d taken the risk for money, it wouldn’t even have occurred to me to ask the owner to foot the bill. In the same way, with tarts, getting in the family way is simply an occupational risk; that’s all there is to it.’
    ‘But supposing the girl is young and ignorant?’
    He shrugged. ‘If she’s been paid I don’t see that that makes much difference. These girls always have older friends to whom they can go for advice, or know of some old woman who’ll do the necessary. But what beats me is why you should have become so het-up about all this.’
    Mary saw the red light. She had already been dangerously near to stating her own case. If she pursued the subject further it might easily ring a bell in his mind and cause him to recognise her. Then goodbye to all hope of getting her own back on him. With an effort she pulled herself together and said in a calmer voice. ‘You are quite right. It is only that I’m sorry for girls who have to earn their living that way and, as a woman, resent the fact that men’s lust should force them to it.’
    ‘Oh come! I admit that prostitution could not exist if there were not the demand that keeps it going. But the majority of these girls are just lazy sluts who prefer to lie late in bed in the morning, deck themselves out in clothes they could not otherwise afford, then spend most of their time drinking or dancing in bars and clubs, rather than do an honest day’s work.’
    ‘Perhaps that is so; but there must be exceptions.’
    ‘No doubt there are. But what has that got to do with the fact that I tried to kiss you? In the most respectable circles, from their ‘teens on, when boys and girls like each other they kiss without any thought of going to bed together afterwards. I can only suppose that you’ve got some awful Freudian complex that turns you into an icicle at the touch of a man.’
    ‘It’s not that,’ she said with an effort. ‘I’m quite normal. I enjoy being kissed by a man I like. But… well… I do need a chance to make up my mind if I like him enough first.’
    The taxi had just pulled up outside the house in which she was living, and Barney said with a smile, ‘Then I haven’t blotted my copy-book irretrievably. I’m glad about that. May I take it that Sunday is still on?’
    ‘Yes,’ she nodded as he helped her out. ‘I’m afraid I’ve behaved rather stupidly. I didn’t mean to. Please forgive me. And thank you very much for this evening. Good night.’
    Still much puzzled by her outburst he watched her

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