The Santini Collection 1-4

The Santini Collection 1-4 by Melissa Schroeder Page B

Book: The Santini Collection 1-4 by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
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right. Don’t talk about my future wife that way.” He closed his eyes and hummed. “That voice of hers about drove me crazy.”
    Marco knew what his brother was talking about. The Hawaiian lilt was something he’d gotten accustomed to, but there was something about the way she talked, the roll over her voice as she spoke made him lose his thoughts. He wanted to hear her say his first name, against his skin, in the dark.
    He ignored his brothers, saying nothing because he knew they would make more out of it than it was.
    “ Are you ready, yet? Can someone tell Leo this is his bachelor party…or at least not a bachelor any more party?”
    Gee nodded. “Leo, stop talking to my girlfriend and let’s roll.”
    Leo was walking down the hallway. “So, what did I miss?”
    Vince smiled. “Marco here almost beat the hell out of us for flirting with is landlady.”
    “ And I found the woman I’m going to marry,” Gee said.
    “ You’re going to marry some old woman with a lot of money in Hawaii?” Leo asked as he slipped on his shoes.
    “ No. Who cares about her money? She’s not old,” Gee said, wiggling his eyebrows.
    “ Yeah?” Leo said as they headed out the door. “How old?”
    “ Not old. Very young,” Gee said.
    Leo grunted. “Like could get thrown out of the military young?”
    “ No.”
    Marco tried to ignore the byplay of his brothers but it was hard.
    “ I would say twenty-eight,” Vince said.
    “ No, I would say about twenty-one. Or maybe twenty-two,” Gee responded.
    “ Twenty-five. She’s twenty-five,” Marco growled. He hated rising to their bait but they would just keep going on. Proving his point, Gee continued.
    “ And gorgeous.”
    Marco snorted. “You only like her because she brought you food.”
    “ No. That’s not it. She has some meat on her bones and I do like a curvy woman. She’s got hair all the way down to the middle of her back. Also, she told me she loved me.”
    Marco shook his head. “She did not.”
    “ Yes, she did. With her eyes. And, as you said, she brought me food. That makes her a fifty on a scale of one to ten.”
    “ Air Force math never adds up,” Vince said laughing.
    “ I don’t care. She wants me. She loves me. That’s all that matters,” Gee said.
    This time Marco wasn’t so irritated when he said, “Shut your pie hole.”
    “ What’s on the agenda tonight?” Vince asked, apparently realizing they needed to switch subjects. There was always a chance the brothers would end up fighting for no other reason than to fight if they didn’t.
    “ I suggest Honolulu. There are a few clubs we can hit.”
    “ Any on the list?” Leo asked.
    Being military, there were a lot of places restricted to them, depending on where they were stationed. Marco almost rolled his eyes but didn’t. Leo acted like he was the mother hen of the group now that he was married. Marco had been in the military long enough to know the rules, but Leo seemed to feel the need to check on them.
    “ None of the ones I go to. The ones on the list are there for a reason. Especially here. There are some bad parts of downtown Honolulu. Besides, there are plenty of Honolulu clubs that can handle us.”
    “ Not sure any of them can handle the Santinis but I’m willing to give them a try,” Gee said. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
    * * * *
    “ So, I think that possibly we should go over to Maui for a week,” Colin said.
    She sighed. When he drank after a breakup with Sara, he was always planning trips for the two of them.
    “ And why should we do that?”
    “ We could go all wingman for each other and find some hot loving.”
    She giggled as she took a healthy sip of her lava flow. “I don’t think that’s going to work in my case. You know how I am.”
    “ I know what you need to do. You need to be a slut, as least for one night.”
    “ And why would I do that?”
    “ Then, you might not feel so badly about what happened with Pete.”
    “ So, according

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