The Run

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Book: The Run by Stuart Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stuart Woods
Tags: thriller, Mystery, Politics
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something at Justice, I believe.”
    “Good. They’ll want to know about that. Your neighbors on either side?”
    “The Times of London rents the one on that sidefor their bureau chief,” Will said. “The other one is owned by a lawyer with Ropes & Gray.”
    “Neither of those should be a problem,” Berg said.
    “Leo,” Will said, “I want you to stress to the Service that life on this street should not be disrupted in any way.”
    “You’re dreaming, Senator,” Berg replied. “The first time something controversial happens in the campaign, you’ll have two dozen press out there, howling for a statement, and there’ll be sightseers, too.”
    “Rather than have that happen, ask them to block off the street and allow only residents through,” Will said. “I mean it, Leo, I’m not going to let this disrupt my neighbors’ lives. Tell the Service I’ll be intractable on this point.”
    “I’ll see what I can do,” Berg said, making a note. “You have a security system in the house, of course?”
    “I’ll want to see the central box and then check every window and door. There’s every likelihood that it’ll have to be beefed up.”
    “All right.”
    “The Service will want their own phone lines in the house, too. I notice you have a garage downstairs.”
    “Yes, the house is unusual in that respect.”
    “Two cars?”
    “The Service will like that. What brand of garage-door opener?”
    “I haven’t a clue,” Will said.
    “I’ll check it out, and we’ll order some extra remote controls.”
    “As you wish.”
    “How many cars do you have here?”
    “Two: a Suburban and a Lincoln Continental.”
    “Is there someplace you can store them?”

    “The Service will want their sedans in the garage. Don’t worry, you won’t be needing a car between now and the election.”
    “I suppose I could park the Suburban in my parking space in the Senate garage.”
    “And I could park the Lincoln in the Agency garage,” Kate said.
    “Perfect. Now, could I look around the house?”
    Tim stood up. “You go ahead and have dinner,” he said. “I’ll show Leo around.”
    “Thank you, Tim,” Will said.
    He and Kate went into the kitchen, and Kate took some steaks out of the fridge. “So, it begins,” she said, and there was a little sadness in her voice.

    Will worked on a combination of Senate and campaign business through the morning; then, just before lunch, his pollster, Moss Mallet, arrived and was shown into Will’s office.
    “It was tight, but I have the results of your poll,” Moss said.
    “Tell me about it.”
    “There’s good news, and there’s bad news.”
    “The good news is that nearly a third of likely Democratic voters have heard of you.”
    Will winced. “What’s the bad news?”
    “The bad news is that less than a third of likely Democratic voters have heard of you.” Moss handed him a sheet of paper.
    Will looked at the paper. “Jesus, nine years in the Senate, and I register with only thirty-two percent of Democrats?”
    Moss handed him another sheet of paper. “Relax,it’s not as bad as it sounds. Only forty-six percent know who George Kiel is, and he’s the minority leader in the Senate.”
    “So much for an informed electorate.”
    “Listen, Will, this could be a lot worse. This is the first national polling we’ve done, you know, and I’ve seen guys you’d think were well-known who hardly raised a blip.”
    “That’s comforting.”
    “Okay, here’s something that is comforting,” Moss said, handing him another sheet of paper. “Of those likely Democratic voters who know both you and Kiel, forty-one percent would vote for Kiel, in a head-to-head race, and forty-six would vote for you.”
    “What about the other thirteen percent?”
    “A plague on both your houses, more or less.”
    Will sighed.
    “Can’t you see what this means?”
    “Tell me.”
    “It means of those who know you

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