The Rosaries (Crossroads Series)

The Rosaries (Crossroads Series) by Sandra Carrington-Smith Page A

Book: The Rosaries (Crossroads Series) by Sandra Carrington-Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Carrington-Smith
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was ready, so Natalie poured herself a cup and walked into the living room to get the phone. She remembered Aunt Catherine’s letter was still tucked in her skirt pocket from the day before, so she went to get it before finally settling on the sofa.
    She still couldn’t believe all the things she had learned about her aunt from that letter, and in so many ways she wished Aunt Catherine had told her about her life before, when Natalie still had the opportunity to draw closer. Unfortunately there was little she could do now, aside, maybe, from doing justice to Catherine Bouvier’s hidden talents by convincing Tom in England to exhibit some of his old friend’s paintings. Natalie was more eager to earn some recognition for her aunt than she was excited about showing her own work.
    She dialed Tom’s number and waited for him to answer. He finally came on the line.
    “Hello, this is Tom Hadley”
    “Mr. Hadley, this is Natalie Sanders, Catherine Bouvier’s niece. I believe my aunt called you a few days ago to discuss the possibility of exhibiting some of my work in your gallery.”
    “Yes, yes, of course, Miss Sanders. How are you?”
    Tom Hadley’s voice – deep and quite cultured – introduced him as a man of stature, and Natalie immediately wondered what he might look like.
    “Unfortunately I am mourning, Mister Hadley. I’m sure you haven’t heard, but Catherine passed away in illness a few days ago.”
    He gasped on the other side of the line, then, he cleared his throat.
    “Oh dear, I am so sorry, Miss Sanders. Please accept my condolences.”
    “Thank you, Mister Hadley, I really appreciate your kindness.”
    “I just spoke to Catherine a few days ago, Miss Sanders; when did she…when did she pass away?”
    “I believe it was the day after she spoke with you, Sir. She just informed me she was going to talk to you about my work on Tuesday, and she died on Wednesday. It was a sudden thing – acute congestive heart failure, the doctors said, and unfortunately, they weren’t able to save her. What kills me is that I didn’t even know her condition was so dire. She had a mild heart attack last year, but I thought she had fully recovered from that episode. My mother even hired a nurse to live with Aunt Catherine, to make sure she ate a healthy diet and took her medications.”
    “Dear…that’s awful…”
    Natalie could imagine Tom Hadley sadly shaking his head many miles away. “It really is, Mister Hadley. My family is deeply saddened by the loss.”
    “Your aunt told me you are quite talented.” Tom said, “It is very tragic about your paintings”.
    “It was a hard blow, Sir, but I can paint more. Loss of life is impossible to repair; paintings, no matter how amazing, can be created again.”
    “You’re remarkably wise, young lady. The older I become, the more I realize the same.”
    “Losing my work felt paralyzing at first, but it stimulated me to create something new. I believe everything happens for a reason.”
    “So do I, Miss Sanders. I didn’t always think this way, but I do now.”
    Natalie smiled – she was already fond of him and hadn’t even met him yet.
    “So tell me, Natalie – may I call you Natalie?”
    “Of course you can.”
    “Are all of your paintings gone?”
    Natalie thought for a moment. “No, not all of them; most are, but I had a few at home I was still working on when the fire occurred.”
    “That’s great, Miss Sanders. I would like to see them if it is possible.”
    “I can finish them within a week or two, and send you photos of them, or e-mail them to you, if you would like.”
    “That would be wonderful, Natalie. E-mail might be faster.”
    Natalie found it touching that Mister Hadley kept switching between using her first and last names. He was accustomed to formalities, but his attachment to Aunt Catherine was evident through his will to connect with her niece on a more intimate level.
    She hesitated for a moment, then decided to ask if he knew

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