The Road to Redemption
laugh. “I thought you might
have known more; Deirdre always did have a thing for you.”
    Damien shook
his head. “More like she was pissed off that I didn’t fall at her
    Dante shrugged
and moved to stand up. “Well, thanks for the info—”
    Damien shot
out his hand and grabbed the other man’s arm stopping him from
moving farther. “Where the hell do you think you’re going? I’m the
one that paid for information.”
    “It was worth
a try.” The other man slowly sat back down, massaging the spot that
Damien had grabbed. “Of course, if you want more…” He extended his
    “Dante, your
information isn’t worth shit. I’m not paying you again. I want a
refund.” Damien began to reach across the table, but Dante leaned
    “All right.
Don’t start frothing at the mouth. I have more.” He licked his
lips. “Your old partner—Reno—he got the charges against you
dropped. Official files list you as an ex-Enforcer, no mention of
dishonourable conduct.”
    Damien raised
his brows. That was unexpected news. His time as an Enforcer seemed
like another lifetime. Since leaving Lycan Link and parting ways
with Deirdre, he’d knocked about the country, taking on odd jobs
here and there, spending time with Kane’s pack now and then. He
hadn’t hidden, but he’d kept a low profile. Mouldering away in
detention didn’t appeal to him and, while he’d escaped the Trackers
a few times, he’d known his luck wouldn’t hold out forever. Plus,
it would have been too hard on Reno to have to testify against him.
Though why he worried about the man, he didn’t know. Their final
meeting in Grassy Hills hadn’t gone well. The look on Reno’s
face—half accusing, half disappointment—had hurt, yet the man
mustn’t have totally given up on him.
    Damn. Damien
rubbed his neck, uncomfortable with the idea that Reno had
continued to go to bat for him. He looked at the man sitting across
the table from him. There was a speculative look in Dante’s eye
that put Damien’s radar on alert. No way Dante was wasting his time
delivering bits of good news.
    “So beyond
giving me an update, what ‘old times’ did we need to discuss?”
    “Just a
minute.” Dante flagged the waitress who was passing by. When she
stopped, he gave her a warm smile. “My friend here said he’d pay my
tab; his birthday present to me.”
    “What?” Caught
off guard, Damien was a split second too slow to react. Dante was
on his feet, the waitress between them.
    “I’ll be in
touch.” With a salute, Dante slipped through the crowd.
    Damien fumed
and dug out some money to pay the waitress, but by the time he was
done, Dante was long gone.
    “Who was
that?” Sam appeared at his side. She must have grown impatient
waiting for him.
    “An old
    She sniffed
the air and a sneer curled her lip. “He wears lilac cologne?”
    Damien didn’t
bother correcting her. Dammit, he knew he should have killed Dante
last night!

    Kane sat at his desk and stared at the backlog of
work that awaited him. He’d just returned from Stump River and was
now regretting having made the trip. The accountant needed to speak
to him about an income tax problem, Lycan Link had sent three
messages marked urgent, several pack members had requested personal
meetings; the list went on and on. And that wasn’t counting the
items John, his Beta, had dealt with during his absence.
    He sighed and
opened up the first email from Lycan Link.
    “Kane, wasn’t
it great to get away together? It was our first ‘family’ vacation.”
Elise breezed into the room interrupting his train of thought.
    “What? Oh
yeah.” Their blood bond was tickling his brain, letting him know
how happy she was. It was also distracting him from the message on
his screen.
    Elise perched
on the edge of the desk. She swung her foot back and forth, a broad
smile on her face. “I think we should try to get away with the kids
a couple of times a year. Once

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