hold of Nirreth society of late––Chloe had heard about little else for the past two months during Agnon’s lizard-skin parties. The topic had risen to a fever pitch this week, with the first live match approaching on Saturday.
They would want a female fighter to be tough and pretty, Chloe knew.
She hoped maybe Kiji could catch the eye of some Nirreth rich enough to want to groom her for that role. If Kiji learned enough fighting skills before she came of age, Chloe could maybe find a way to get the word out through Agnon’s friends.
Chloe knew that life as a Rings fighter would be difficult for Kiji. Yet, such a life would have significant benefits attached to it, as well––benefits that might vastly outweigh those risks.
Chloe was also a realist. Already, Kiji was far too pretty. It wouldn’t be easy for her to avoid becoming a house slave, not once she got old enough. The Rings might be one of the few options left where Kiji’s looks could be a real asset.
Rings fighters were too valuable to abuse.
From what Chloe knew, they were too valuable to rape, as well.
Kiji would not have this life, she promised herself.
Chloe would endure this so Kiji didn’t have to.
She reached the gate between the pen walls and the walkway where the two Nirreth stood. Barely hesitating, she stepped carefully over the metal grid that lay over the threshold and came to a stop on the other side, waiting.
At that point she still hadn’t spared much attention for Agnon’s big-shot friend.
“I know you prefer those wiry skags, Trazen,” Agnon was saying to the other Nirreth, still leaning on him and grinning like a jackass as he spoke in that loud voice. “…This one is Green Zone, born and bred. I don’t think she’s even been outside the dome. But look at her, will you? She’s like sex on a stick.” He let out a Nirreth chuckle, grinning at her as he lashed his tail suggestively. “Half my staff’s had her…I think they’d take her every night if I let them,” he added, laughing again.
Only then did Chloe find herself looking at Agnon’s friend.
Part of what caused her to turn was his silence.
Unlike the other Nirreth Agnon dragged down here, Agnon’s new friend didn’t cackle along with his stupidity or add any of his own. He didn’t say anything, not even to fill the silence after Agnon spoke. When Chloe studied his face and characteristically dark Nirreth eyes, he didn’t look drunk, or bored. He stared back at her appraisingly, his gaze sharp, clear––and nearly unreadable despite that clarity.
His black eyes were flecked with some lighter color, she noticed––what might have been amber or gold. It was difficult to tell precisely under the sickly-green tint of the flickering pen lights.
All Nirreth had dark, nearly black eyes. A few had dark brown or blue eyes. She’d once seen one with eyes such a dark green that the tint could only be seen in direct sunlight. A few also had eyes patterned like this one. Those were even more rare.
This Nirreth’s eyes and his stillness got her attention enough that she found herself looking at the rest of him.
For a Nirreth, he was almost... pretty.
Hard muscles shone on his arms below the sleeves of his Nirreth-tailored shirt, which fit him tightly across the chest to taper in a near triangle to his narrow hips and waist. He looked like an athlete, maybe a boxer or even a field soldier. As was the style with Nirreth males, he wore form-fitting pants under the long shirt, the latter falling to the middle of his upper thighs. A heavier black cloth wrapped around his head, the knotted ends of which hung down his back like a ponytail. He wasn’t very adorned for a Nirreth…no jewelry at all that she could see.
He wasn’t with a companion then, at least not a regular one.
In addition to rings and bracelets and other jewelry worn purely as decoration, Nirreth with companions wore stone pendants around their necks. The more serious of those companions
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