The Remnant: On The Brink of Armageddon
is my wish and that of the elders here. And I daresay the rest of the people. I do not know, Tsion said. I will do as the Lord leads, but I believe Chaim is God’s man here. My work is done, Tsion, Chaim said. God did it in spite of my feeble efforts, and here we are. I shall hand off the baton to you, my former student. I remain your student, Doctor, Tsion said. Gentlemen, Rayford said, the mutual admiration is inspiring but doesn’t get us anywhere. This place needs leadership, organization, mediation. If you stay, Tsion, you should be protected from responsibilities that interfere with your teaching here and to your Internet audience around the world. The elders nodded.
    Perhaps among us, Chaim said, we can ferret out young people with these gifts. I am willing to administer, coordinate a bit, but I am not a young man. This is a city, a country unto itself. We need a government. God provides food and water and clothes that will not wear out, but I believe he expects us to manage ourselves otherwise. We must organize and build admittedly only for the short term, but still . . .
    Maybe, Rayford said, that very work is God’s way of occupying your time here. Living together, getting along, functioning in harmony will be a full time job. Imagine the boredom of a million people just sitting around waiting for the Glorious Appearing. Tsion warmed to this. Oh, that is why I believe we need to motivate people to help the rest of the world from here. We are not blind to the prophecies, to the machinations of the evil one. Trying to blow us up is only the beginning.
    He will think he can starve us out by cutting off our supply lines. He will not know or will not believe that God feeds us. But we know we are safe. What we must guard against are his schemes to lure the undecided away from. this place, out to where they are vulnerable, not only emotionally and psychologically, but also physically. I am jealous to keep them here and to persuade them. I don’t understand, Rayford said, how anyone could remain undecided after today.
    It is beyond human comprehension, Tsion said, but God foretold it. Now my dream for the faithful here is that they be useful in the cause of aiding our brothers and sisters around the world. Peter warns us to be sober and vigilant because our adversary walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. `Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.’ The evil one will grow angrier, more determined, more vicious, and many will die at his hand. What better, nobler task could the million strong here undertake than to aid your daughter’s Commodity Co op and equip the saints to thwart Antichrist? I envision thousands of technological experts creating a network of resources for believers, informing them of safe havens, putting them in touch with each other. We know we will lose many brothers and sisters, and yet we should offer what we can to keep the gospel going forth, even now.  Rayford sat back.
    Can’t argue with that. And it’s not a bad idea, Tsion, this becoming your new base of operation. We will miss you, of course, but it makes no sense to risk losing you to the cause when all you need is right here. I have been thinking, Chaim said, and, Rayford, feel free to correct me, as I am out of my element on this topic.
    But I wonder if the day of a safe house for the Tribulation Force is past. We know New Babylon is sniffing around and that it is only a matter of time before Chicago is exposed. Yes, perhaps we need a central location for the coordinating of the Co op, but if I were you I would worry for my little one, being moved hither and yon. I leave the details to you and your compatriots.
    But I ask you, is it not true that anyone who is asked to remain at the safe house quickly gets the cottage fever? The young man there, Zeke, who so masterfully equips us to venture out, might find

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