The Rebuttal: Defending 'American Betrayal' From the Book-Burners

The Rebuttal: Defending 'American Betrayal' From the Book-Burners by Diana West Page B

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Authors: Diana West
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back over at Diana's blog, " If Frontpage Lies about
This, They'll Lie about Anything, Pt. 2 ," and " 'Professor' Radosh Gets an
'F' ."
I'm still reading and evaluating Diana's book, and I expect to be reading more
books in the genre of Soviet espionage against the U.S. My argument here is
that the attacks on Diana are unscholarly and unprofessional. Nothing here
works to elevate the community of scholars above the routine bilge we navigate
on a daily basis in the blogosphere. There's a prodigious amount of research
that went into American Betrayal, and I'd expect that the work would be seen as
advancing an important debate and offering much needed provocation in our
current era of official state-sponsored ignorance and the media's capitulation
to daily Orwellian lies.

    # # #

    My Say: Why Do Ron Radosh and David Horowitz Hate Diana
    By Ruth King
    Ruthfully Yours
11th, 2013

    Thank you for the myriad letters expressing support for
Diana West and outrage at the actions of Frontpage. As you know, I have been
partial to Frontpage and I post something from them almost every day. I have
been pondering so many of your questions about the possible motivations of two
journalists who promote a conservative agenda and expose mindless liberals and leftists,
but have been obsessively attacking one author and one book. They have caused
the controversy by purging a good review and posting a vicious one. When
brought to task, they redoubled their attacks and insults.
    Diana West, the author, has stripped the calumnies about
Joseph McCarthy, a bogeyman to both leftists and conservatives, to reveal that
he, along with other Senate and House investigators of both parties were
certainly onto something real in disclosing the penetration of high ranking
Soviet Agents and propagandists in all the corridors of power and
policy- the government, the media, entertainment and the academies. Some of you
have asked if that could explain their animus. I don’t thinks so.
    Diana West will rebut every smear and lie and
misstatement but in the meantime, here is some perspective on how Marxism
infected America long after World War 2 and long after Joseph McCarthy.
    The work of spies and agents of influence for
the Soviet Union was aided by the “useful idiots” who did the leg work in the
public. Some were amateur hour socialists, others like Horowitz and Radosh
were, by their own admission, Marxists who carried their useful
idiocy into the anti Vietnam War movement. And, they remained
Marxists in spite of the revelations of the murderous acts and intentions
of Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Castro. They remained Marxists even when Robert
Conquest, the brilliant historian, poet and essayist published The Great Terror
– in 1968 detailing Stalin’s purges and brutality. Harrison Salisbury
called it “brilliant…not only an odyssey of madness, tragedy, and sadism, but a
work of scholarship and literary craftsmanship.” Gee….Radosh who described
himself as “ a young man of vast intellectual curiosity” must have missed it.
    Yes, while Jamie Glazov’s (Jamie Glazov whom I like is an
editor at Frontpage) late and noble father, a Russian dissident was being
harassed and threatened in Russia, Ron Radosh remained a member of the
Communist party and was cavorting with Students for a Democratic Society and
assorted thugs and terrorists. And, David Horowitz, who was editor of Ramparts
magazine, by his own admission was eager “to divulge the secrets of
America’s electronic intelligence agency to the world. We viewed it as an
effort to level the military playing field so that America would no longer be
the superpower that was able to lord it over everyone else.” His
words …not mine.
    Diana West reminds Horowitz and Radosh how they abetted
and supported a vile and genocidal ideology, far more pernicious and treasonous
than the punk leftists such as Oliver Stone or Code Pink or their ilk, so often

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