The Real Italian Alphas

The Real Italian Alphas by Bonnie Burrows Page A

Book: The Real Italian Alphas by Bonnie Burrows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Burrows
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illegal funds in order to pay for it. The cab driver seemed hell bent on taking her on the bumpiest roads in the city the whole way home, but finally she was able to step in her door.
    After a nice, hot, bubble bath she slipped into some lingerie and curled up in their bed, ready for a snooze while she waited for her husband to return. The last thing she expected to hear when he finally arrived was the voice of a woman outside along with Gabriel’s.
    “Well, hopefully that will be the last we see of each other,” said the woman. “I really don’t enjoy your company at all.”
    “Nor I yours,” said Gabriel adamantly. “Thanks for the ride, Lucretia. It’s the least you can do after wrecking my car.”
    “You’re very welcome,” said Lucretia with a smirk as Betsy looked out the window at the two of them. “I’m sure your car will be as good as new in a few days. Enjoy your night with your little wife. I see by the glare I’m receiving from the window that she got home safely—unfortunately.”
    Gabriel didn’t bother to answer the sarcastic jibe. Instead, he turned and rushed up the steps to the building where he and Betsy had been living for the last few months, and quickly went up to where Betsy waited for him. He burst through the door and his wife flew into his arms.
    “What was Lucretia doing here?” she asked between his kisses.
    “Long story,” he said with an exaggerated sigh. “Lupo’s idea of a joke, no doubt. But talking about Lucretia is the last thing I want to do right now after I had to tolerate her all day. How did everything go?”
    Betsy paused, not sure she wanted to tell Gabriel about her experience as she went through customs. She didn’t want him to worry over it, since it was highly unlikely that Lupo would stop sending her and she didn’t want to start an argument between her husband and the crime lord. In the end, she opted not to bring it up.
    “About the same as usual,” she answered with a sigh. “I made it through the checkpoint in one piece, went to my room, wolfed out, ate a couple of bloody steaks, and watched a vampire movie just to amuse myself.”
    “Oh, really? And what did the vampire do that amused you so, ma bella ?” asked Gabriel with a smirk.
    “Oh, you know, the usual,” she said with a grin. “Bit the cute chick on the neck and then proceeded to ravish her quite thoroughly.”
    “My Betsy, why do you watch such rubbish?” he asked as he stepped behind her. “You know full well that vampires do not exist.”
    “Of course they don’t,” she chuckled. “And even if they did, what would I want with one of them when I have a perfectly good werewolf to warm my bed?”
    “But if you want me to bite your neck, now that is something I could do well enough,” he teased, nipping her below the ear, but above the shoulder, and making her squeal.
    “Hmm, this is getting interesting. Should I invite you to enter my domicile?” she wanted to know.
    “A whole lot of good that would do, since I’m already in it, and it’s also my domicile,” Gabriel pointed out.
    “Spoilsport,” she chastised him, making him laugh again.
    “I’m about to make it up to you, mi amore ,” he said as he lifted her into his arms and swiftly carried her into the bedroom and over to their bed. Betsy laid back into the pillows and Gabriel rained kisses all over her body as he crept up to find her lips with his. “Shall I bite your neck again?”
    “I’m sure you could think of something better to nibble,” Betsy said huskily.
    “Plenty,” he agreed. “Shall I demonstrate a few of them?”
    “Please,” she said.
    Gabriel’s tongue darted out to taste her lips as his hands came up to massage her sensitive breasts. She moaned softly at the touch, and squirmed beneath him, wrapping her legs around his knees to bring his pelvis more fully into contact with her own. Gabriel groaned at the contact, and thrust against her in response.
    “Betsy!’ he hissed against her

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