The Rancher's Rules

The Rancher's Rules by Dina Chapel Page B

Book: The Rancher's Rules by Dina Chapel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina Chapel
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beamed up at Tom. Then she grew quiet and thoughtful. “I’m just not sure what Annie wants to do now.”
    “Well, seems she needs a husband,” Tom offered. When Jenny didn’t respond, he continued, “Once we’re settled in, we’ll get into town for Sunday services – a bit more than I’ve been doin’, I’m afraid – and socialize more. I’ve been so busy with the ranch, I haven’t been into town that often just to visit with folks. I know they have a potluck meal most Sundays after the service. We could go and bring Annie. There ought to be some eligible bachelors in the area.”
    “That sounds nice, Tom. I’d like to meet the folks from the area, too.” Jenny just wasn’t so sure she wanted to tell Tom that might not be the answer. Jenny thought Annie needed a husband, too, but Annie didn’t think so. And she sure didn’t want to tell Tom the real reason that Annie was here at his ranch in the first place.
    * * * * *
    The wind blew Annie’s hair all around her face until she couldn’t even see where she was headed and she didn’t care. It felt wonderful! She felt free for the first time since she and Jenny had climbed on that stage to head out here. She dug her heels into the horse’s sides, just hard enough to urge the mare to go even faster than it already was going. Annie just wanted to feel like she was flying.
    After galloping quite a ways, Annie slowed the horse down a bit to give it a rest and also to get her bearings, if possible. She realized a bit too late that she hadn’t been paying very much attention to her surroundings until just now. She should have been noting landmarks in order to more easily find her way back to Tom’s ranch. Was she still on his property? She had no way of knowing, really.
    Annie pulled off her hat and threw her head back. The sun beat down on her face and she felt good for the first time in a long while. She wished she could just keep on riding and then, at sunset, camp out for the night, like she used to do back home. Now, though, she would be expected back at sundown. And Tom would probably send one of his hands out looking for her if she wasn’t back by then. Would she ever feel freedom like that again? The thought that she might not was almost unbearable for her.
    She was more than a little relieved to be rid of her mail-order husband. Annie really hadn’t wanted to get married; it had been a way, the only way really, to stay with Jenny and make sure she was all right. The thought of being married – tied to a man forever, ruled by him, being told what to do and having him take her into his bed every night and do whatever he wanted to her – well, that was not something that Annie was even remotely interested in. Why, a girl at the orphanage had once told her that some husbands even spank their wives! She knew if she married, that she could just kiss her freedom goodbye forever. She preferred her freedom over a man any day. No, she had no plans to kiss her freedom goodbye – or to kiss anyone for that matter. Annie had never even kissed a man, and she had no plans to either. She really just couldn’t understand what drew Jenny to them.    
    Determined not to dwell on her situation of the moment, Annie gathered up her hair, shoved it all under her hat and urged the horse back into a fast gallop. Leaning down and into the wind, she decided to enjoy the freedom of the ride for as long as the sunlight lasted, and not think too much about the future.
    * * * * *
    Rafe Stanton was about ready to call it a day. He had spent the entirety of it chasing down strays that hadn’t found their way back on their own. It was necessary but frustrating work and, having just gathered the last one of his missing herd, he turned and started to head back to the ranch.
    Just as he did, something caught the corner of his eye. He turned toward the movement and saw a horse and rider flying across his land close to a stand of trees. The rider was leaning way down in the

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