investigates the disappearance of American citizens abroad, is not authorized to hold a ship without evidence of a crime.
Governor Knowles and his wife, Sarah Knowles, have flown to Freeport and made a statement to the media. A reward of one million dollars has been offered to anyone who has information that leads to Amber’s safe return. A tip line has been set up in coordination with Florida Omni Search.
The FBI has worked with Florida Omni Search on several missing persons cases. Florida Omni Search recently made headlines when they found a missing Boy Scout alive in the Florida Everglades.
“She left our investigation out of the article as we asked,” Drake said.
“Her story is a little dated now. We know that Amber didn’t fall overboard,” Rachel commented.
“That’s best left under wraps until we know for sure. Any leads from the tip line?”
“I checked in with Janine this morning. Nothing. Not even the crackpots and psychics have called in, which is unusual.”
“Give it some time.”
“What’s planned for today?” Rachel asked.
“The cruise ship has left port. Amber’s two friends are staying with the governor and his wife for the rest of the week. Their parents have been notified and are on the way down. We’re heading over there this morning to talk to the girls again. I want to see if they remember anything else about the night Amber disappeared—if they saw anyone else talking with her or Josh.”
“You mean Shawn?”
“Yeah, they still know him as Josh.” Drake stood up and brushed toast crumbs from his shirt.
“Okay. Let’s get going, then.” Rachel put down her coffee cup, grabbed her bag, and headed for the door.
T he governor’s rented villa was situated on a high bluff that overlooked a beautiful private stretch of beach. Drake and Rachel drove up the long circular driveway and parked the car.
“Impressive digs for the governor,” she commented as they walked up to the massive front door.
“The house belongs to a friend of the governor. It’s more private than staying at a hotel. Especially since he decided to run for president, security is a little tighter.”
Too bad they didn’t think about that before letting Amber take a cruise . Rachel’s thought was interrupted by the front door opening.
A uniformed maid led them inside. “The governor and his wife are waiting for you in the sunroom.”
Drake and Rachel followed her through the house. The villa was surprisingly simple inside. Its terra-cotta tile floors were complemented by soft-blue and pale-yellow walls. Knickknacks, a vase of pale flowers, and a clear glass bowl of seashells and sand dollars decorated the villa. It was very calming and relaxing, and Rachel soon felt at ease.
Governor Knowles stood up as they entered the sunroom. Even though he was impeccably dressed in pressed navy slacks and a pin-striped button-down shirt with the sleeves neatly rolled up his forearms, he looked more stressed than he had the day before.
He smiled as he held out his hand to Rachel. “Nice to see you again, Rachel. Please come in and have a seat. Hello, Agent Reynolds.”
Rachel regarded Sarah as she stood up to greet them. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, and she was dressed casually in khaki Bermuda shorts and a billowy white peasant blouse. Her flip-flops revealed freshly painted bright-pink toenails.
“Rachel, Drake, is there any news?” Sarah asked hopefully.
Governor Knowles put his arm around his wife and said with a strained smile, “We’re hoping there’s been some movement since yesterday…” He nodded to the maid who let them in. “Bring us something cold and a pot of coffee, please, Nadia.”
Rachel and Drake sat down on the sofa opposite the Knowleses. The sunroom was minimally decorated with a sofa and loveseat covered in creamy-white denim, two casual wicker chairs, and a sea grass jute rug beneath a heavy glass coffee table. A ceramic bowl
Kathleen Brooks
Shelly Bell
Delphine Dryden
Sarah Stegall
Richelle Mead
Andy Leeks
Don Pendleton, Dick Stivers
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Billy London
James Joyce