The Queen Slave

The Queen Slave by Savannah Reardon Page B

Book: The Queen Slave by Savannah Reardon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savannah Reardon
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He talks to his primaries. He tells them things that he would not confide in anyone else, simply because he knows that the information will go nowhere. Slaves don’t talk to any but other slaves after all and never talk about Master’s business to a slave that does not belong to him.
    “Occasionally, Master will get in a weird mood and will require his primary to act out a romantic scene, playing as if she is his girlfriend. In this scene, the primary is allowed to speak without Master giving her permission each time. The permission is given at the beginning of the scene and is not revoked until the scene is over unless the primary steps out of character, meaning she says something that has absolutely nothing to do with the scene being acted out.”
    “That is very interesting. How often does the primary, or any other slave for that matter, get called out for service and do we ever get to go anywhere besides our appointment and our quarters?”
    “Well, there are a few times a year that Master allows us to go outside in the gardens. This usually all depends on how good we have been. As far as how often are we used for service, it varies. The primary can be used every day, or it might be a week’s time before Master calls for you. For those of us that he rents out to clients, we are generally used about five times a week if Master has a lot of business deals in the works, but we do have slow times and then the amount we are used drops to two or three times a week.
    “We get regular checkups to make sure that we are healthy and that we are not hurt in any way by the clients. Oh, that reminds me, I forgot to tell you that the shot the doctor gave you for birth control also takes care of our monthly cycles. In other words, as long as we are getting the shots like we are supposed to, we will not have a monthly cycle. It is nice not to have to worry about that. That had to be my worst favorite thing to experience. They are horrible for me. I get cramps so bad that I can’t do anything but lay in the bed. I think that is why Master started having us get the shots. He got tired of me being completely out of service for an entire week each month.
    “That is part of what show how good of a Master he is. Most masters would have made me work anyway, cramps or no, but Master saw how much pain I was in and called the doctor. The doctor said that there really was not anything he could do. Amazing in this day of high technology, huh? He said that he could give me something for the pain, but that it would likely make me so groggy that I would need to stay in bed. Master allowed the doctor to treat me, so for about a week out of each month, I was in the bed and drugged up so that I would not feel the pain from the cramps.”
    “Wow, I knew that some women had that kind of problem, but I have never experienced it. It is good to know about the shot. I had been wondering what would happen about wearing clothing when my cycle arrived. Now I know that it does not arrive at all.
    “Do you think I will be called to service Master any while he is doing Nylia’s training?”
    “It is possible, but not likely. He will probably get any sexual needs that he has fulfilled by Nylia, so he will not need you, unless he just thinks you need to have the practice.
    “Oh, I forgot to mention, besides the lap tops and the big screen, we do have games that we can play with each other to pass the time. They are over here in this cabinet.” Keera showed Neenah the cabinet where the games were held and opened it up so that Neenah could see what all was inside. The cabinet held several board games and packs of cards.
    “What are all of these? I have never seen anything like these. All of the games that I have ever seen were electronic.”
    “Master has an affinity for old fashioned things. The compound is filled with items from the twentieth century time period. It is amazing that he has been able to keep these games in good condition considering that

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