The Queen of Attolia
stepping onto the woven leather flooring, felt it give under his feet. He braced himself, as he saw Eugenides was doing, and held on very tightly as the horses jumped forward and the chariot whirled around the corner of the farmhouse and back down the rutted tracks to the main road. Once on the main road, Timos let the horses choose their pace, and fields, farmhouses, olive groves, whole villages passed in a jostled blur. The horses never slowed until the sun was high overhead and Timos pulled them up at an inn. New horses were hitched into place while the three travelers stood by the chariot waiting. These, too, moved like the wind until Timos again pulled up at another inn.
    There’d been no chance to ask questions when the horses were changed, and talking was out of the question in the jolting chariot.
    “We’ll eat and then go,” Eugenides said, indicating a table under a tree by the inn. The magus moved agreeably, but very slowly, toward the shade.
    “Tired?” Eugenides asked.
    “Old,” the magus answered. “Too old to be dragged out of my home by the machinations of someone I thought was a friend.”
    Eugenides stopped to look over his shoulder. “Who told Sounis that now was the time to take Eddis? Who told him to ally first with Attolia to conquer us? He’d be stomping around in Attolia’s grain fields right now if it weren’t for you, and you know it.”
    “True,” the magus admitted mournfully.
    “It would serve you right if I dragged you off to Eddis and locked you into a cell for the next fifty years.”
    The magus settled onto a bench and rested his head in his hands. “Whether I spend the rest of my life in comfort in Eddis or in jail won’t be historically significant.”
    “If all you cared about was historical significance, you could have stayed in bed until the king’s guard came for you.”
    The magus had been disposed to save his skin, but he knew there were greater things at stake. “Eugenides,if Sounis held Eddis, he could stop the Mede expansion and be prepared if an internal war ever arose in Attolia to drive them out. If he can’t unite at least Sounis and Eddis, all three of these countries will be divided and swallowed in a historical eye blink. Even you can see that.”
    “One thing I see,” Eugenides said, “is that everybody is always willing to throw someone else’s country to the dogs. I don’t have any desire to be overrun by the Medes, but I don’t look forward to being overrun by Sounis either. And you don’t need to worry about political naïveté. I would have much preferred to slit Sounis’s throat while he slept, but his heir is hardly ready to inherit the kingdom, and we can’t have a civil war in Sounis for the Mede to step in and resolve, can we? Our horses are ready.” Hooking a bag that lay on the table, he held it in the air and dropped several small loaves of bread into it, then started across the courtyard to the chariot.
    “Gen.” The magus, still sitting on the bench, called him back.
    Eugenides waited, looking at him over one shoulder.
    “You’ve become quite ruthless in your old age,” said the magus.
    “I have.”
    If the magus was surprised when they turned off the road toward the main pass and raced inland, he didn’thave the breath to ask any questions. He waited until the horses slowed and stopped on a curving stretch of empty road.
    “Where are we going?”
    “You are headed for a nice hunting lodge on the coastal side of the pass. I haven’t left my rooms for weeks, so it would be awkward if I were seen riding up the pass with you. I’ll go on foot from here and up the Oster path and then come down into the capital from the backcountry with fewer people to see me.”
    “If I am seen, there is no difficulty?”
    “We’re hoping you won’t be seen, and if seen, not recognized. I’m a little more easy to distinguish, and we won’t rely on luck to keep me from being noticed.”
    The magus looked up at the mountain and

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