The Princess Sisters (The Princess Sisters Series)

The Princess Sisters (The Princess Sisters Series) by Stacy Lynn Carroll Page B

Book: The Princess Sisters (The Princess Sisters Series) by Stacy Lynn Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Lynn Carroll
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who the person is that’s asking you?” Ariel spoke up.
man, that’s the best part!  You hide your name!”
sighed and looked from one anxious girl to the next.  All eyes were on him. 
The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.  He had never held so captive an
audience and Dave found it amusing how concerned they were for learning the
ways of high school.  He sat up on his knees and raised his hands for dramatic
he finally began, “When you ask someone to a dance you don’t merely put
something on their porch.  You write something funny or ‘cute’” he made air
quotes with this last word and grimaced slightly at the sound.  “Then you hide
your name inside it and the person has to search through everything to discover
who asked them!”
don’t get it,” Snow White whispered to Cinderella.  But Dave overheard.
me give you some ideas...” he folded and unfolded his arms as he loudly
pondered “Hmmmmmm.”  He then tapped his pointer finger against his chin.  It
only took the girls a few moments to realize he was trying to be funny. 
they all shouted as he started laughing.
okay, okay!  Once I asked a girl to a dance with popcorn.”
How romantic!” Belle said, batting her eyelashes in an equally obnoxious way. 
Dave just glared at her before continuing.
First, I had a friend drop off a big tub of butter at her house.”  The girls
exchanged glances but said nothing this time.  “Then we went back an hour later
with three big garbage bags full of air-popped popcorn and a sign that said: Just
thought I’d butter you up before popping the question.  Will you go to Prom
with me?   My name was printed on a little piece of paper hidden in one of
the bags.”
Princess sisters all smiled up at him.  There was no laughing now.  Dave could
tell they were impressed.
actually really cute!” Cinderella said.
You ruined it!  Cool.  Let’s just say it was cool.”
it was time for the girls to laugh.  They all mimicked Dave in their best man
It was cool.”
up,” he said, rolling his eyes.
wait...” started Aurora.  “Then how do you answer someone?  Do you just call
them up and say yes?”
course not,” said Dave, rather smugly.  “You answer in a fun way too.”
asked Belle.
had a girl answer once with a huge jar full of M&M’s.  The note said: If
there is an even number of candies, I’ll go with you.  If there is an odd
cu...ool,” said Ariel, recovering quickly.
us some more examples,” said Cinderella, unconsciously scooting closer.
see...” Dave said, doing his thoughtful chin-tap again.  “Oh!  I asked a girl
to the Christmas dance once by going to her house and making a trail from her
entryway to her bathroom with Hershey kisses.”
did you get in?  Did you talk to her parents?” Snow White interrupted.
I broke in...Of course I asked her parents!” Dave shook his head and then continued. 
“Then I left a dozen roses in her shower.  The sign said: Now that I’ve
kissed the ground you walk on and showered you with roses, will you go to the
dance with me?”   Dave got the exact reaction he was looking for.  All five
of them made the typical girl noise in unison.
answer was the best too!  She covered my bedroom floor in Starbursts and said: Check
the starburst for my answer.  I spent hours opening starburst wrappers and
didn’t find anything!  That night when I lay down in bed, I looked up and in
glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling was a big YES .”
seems mean!” said Cinderella.  “Making you spend all that time looking for
was actually a lot of fun!” said Dave.  “When I saw the stars, I just laughed cause
I knew she liked me. 

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