The Playful Prince
he let go, releasing his seed into her, letting his body lay his claim on her, marking her as his. She was already marked by him, though she didn’t know it. This time, he’d make damned sure she couldn’t take another man to her bed--not Vitto, not Grant, not anyone.
    “Tori,” he whispered down to her drowsy face. Her eyes fluttered open, and she made soft sounds of contentment.
    “ Mmmm , you feel so good. Just stay right there, deep inside me. It feels so good,” she murmured sleepily. “I wish I could stay awake to do it again, but I’m just so exhausted.”
    “Tori, listen to me,” he insisted in a hurried whisper. Her tired eyes looked at him. “You are mine.”
    “ Mmmm , all right Quinn, yours,” she mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.

Chapter Six
    Tori yawned and reached up to scratch her face. It was early morning, but she’d always been an early riser. Frowning, she kept scratching. Her skin felt like it was on fire. Quinn’s arm possessively draped around her waist, his hand holding one of her breasts. His fingers twitched slightly in his sleep. A light smile crossed her features as she gently pried his hand away. He mumbled in protest and she stiffened.
    Then, as he flipped onto his back, she was able to slide off the bed undetected.
    Again frowning as her irritated skin demanded attention, she rushed to the full length mirror. Standing before it naked, she froze in horror. Her face and neck were covered in large, patchy, red bumps and they itched unbearably.
    “I look deformed,” she whispered in horror. Her heart dropped from her chest. Tori was completely mortified. She glanced back to the bed where the prince slept, knowing she couldn’t let Quinn see her like this--not like this!
    Tori ran to her pack and threw on a black jumpsuit and lab coat. Not bothering with her hair, she ran from the suite. Using the lab coat and hair to hide her features, she hurried past a few of the guards. She was very thankful when they let her by without comment. Reaching Vitto’s door, she pounded on it. It took awhile, but he finally answered.
    “Um?” he mumbled, half asleep. Rubbing his eyes, he looked out in the hall and grimaced. “Man, Tori, come on. It’s too early to--”
    Tori dropped the coat.
    “Crap!” Vitto exclaimed, recoiling in shock.
    “We gotta go now!” she hissed. “I’m heading back to the camp. Get everyone up and meet me there.
    There’s something wrong with those samples we took and I’m going to find out what.”
    “But, Tori,” he began, reaching for her then reconsidering as he pulled his hand back, “your face.”
    Tears welled in her eyes. Hissing between her teeth, she growled, “I know. Just meet me back at the camp, okay? I can’t be seen like this!”
    Vitto nodded. Leaning out into the hall, he watched in amazement as she ran away.

    * * * *
    Quinn’s body shook with outrage before he even opened his eyes. He knew she was gone--sensed it before he even reached across the bed. His hand balled into a fist and he slammed it down hard on the mattress.
    “Sacred Cats! She did it again,” he hissed, partly in disbelief.
    Tan fur filled in his body. His eyes dilated and shifted to a pale greenish yellow. Claws stretched from his fingernails and toenails as his hands and feet became thick paws. A roar left his parted lips as they pulled wide, elongating as his body shifted into the form of a cougar.
    With a leap, he tore off of the bed and it didn’t take long for him to work the doorknob with his paws.
    Rage blinded him to reason. Running down the hall on all fours, he passed Kirill.
    The king blinked in surprised and yelled, “Quinn! What...?”
    Quinn ignored him. He tore out of the front of the palace and disappeared into the gigantic forest.

    * * * *
    “Hold still, Tori,” Vitto growled under his breath. “I’m almost done.”
    “What is it?” she asked, as he finished running the medical laser over her face.
    “It appears just to be a rash

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