The Pilgrim

The Pilgrim by Hugh Nissenson Page B

Book: The Pilgrim by Hugh Nissenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hugh Nissenson
Tags: Historical
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air. All in all, in that time, we kissed five times at a total cost to me of one pound, nine shillings.
    On the Sabbath following, without her veil, she accompanied me to St. Dunstan in the East, wherein we prayed with Rigdale. He wished us joy in God, many children, and years of happiness together. Then he said, “I count the days until, by God’s grace, I am with my beloved Anna and our daughter in heaven. What is death but the entrance to heaven and living out eternity as one of the Elect? God be praised, all this winter, my faith in my election hath returned! I once again relish the taste of the sweetness of the Lord’s love, the scent and savour of it.
    â€œI am grateful for each day allotted me upon this earth, that I may praise God in my flesh. Alas, though, not a day passes but He calls me to war with some temptation or other.”
    I said, “And me.”
    Sarah said, “Why, then, sirs, I am in good company.”
    They fell to talking about the poor. Rigdale said, “God prefers the humble poor and gives voice for their precedency. There are some of them who are saved. How horrible to think that they might live without hope of heaven for want of a preacher to open their hearts to their love of Christ. Someday, by God’s grace, I shall preach to the poor, without a licence, and gladly pay my fines. All I ask is to reveal from my preaching one elected soul concealed by the sufferings of poverty from its destiny in heaven.
    â€œMeanwhile, let us give the humble poor plenteous alms not only to satisfy the hunger of our brethren but to fulfill and accomplish God’s command.”
    My Sarah said, “Charles and I most heartily agree.”
    After the service, in frosty Tower Street, we were beset by eight or ten unruly beggars. It cost me two shillings to be rid of them. My Sarah said, “Why, my darling Charles! Except these warm gloves of your mother’s, those two shillings are your love tokens that please me most. You are a righteous man.”
    â€œAye,” said Rigdale. “And one of the Elect, Mistress, I am confident of it.”
    â€œI too am sure of it,” said she.
    I said, “At this instant, God’s love is washing over me again, Zachariah, just as you said it would. My faith in my salvation hath immersed my heart. The world is crystalline! God’s love shines through it. My soul hath never before known this sweet peace! I cannot describe the pleasure I feel! No, not pleasure—is there no word that can describe what I feel? Fie! Is there not a word for this?”
    Zachariah said, “Be silent, friend! Be silent. Let your silence speak for you.”
    I said, “Look! Look you into my Sarah’s luminous eyes! Therein you can see what I feel.”
    â€œYes,” she said. “I too am saved. I am sure of it.”
    I said, “That makes the three of us. Saved! Saved! By the grace of God, we are all of us saved! Praise Him! Let us thank Christ, who hath given us a moment together of surety and bliss—for want of a word unknown to me.”
    It began to snow; Sarah caught some flakes on her tongue. She said, “Bliss!”
    â€¢ • •
    Appletree and I had a conference in his chambers, wherein we signed the marriage contract, with free consent on both sides. As a dowry, he presented me with a draft on the goldsmith, John Loop, for two hundred pounds, which I was free to convert to coin or invest with Loop at five percent interest for future use. At his suggestion, I decided to invest it with Loop. He said, “I tried to get you eight percent, but Loop is as mean as a Jew.”
    I thanked Appletree profusely for his generosity. He said, “If, God forbid, Sarah should die before you, whatever money remains shall, according to our contract, be returned to me in one year. You have a considerable fortune there, Charles. Use it wisely. I propose you rent a house, live therein, and work in the front

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