The Physics of Star Trek
can develop such a fine
     information storage and retrieval device, I believe that there is still a long way we can
    THAT QUANTUM STUFF: For some additional cold water of reality, two words: quantum
     mechanics. At the microscopic level necessary to scan and re-create matter in the
     transporter, the laws of physics are governed by the strange and exotic laws of quantum
     mechanics, whereby particles can behave like waves and waves can behave like particles. I
     am not going to give a course in quantum mechanics here. However, the bottom line is as
    follows: on microscopic scales, that which is being observed and that which is doing the
     observation cannot be separated. To make a measurement is to alter a system, usually
     forever. This simple law can be parameterized in many different ways, but is probably most
     famous in the form of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This fundamental lawwhich
     appears to do away with the classical notion of determinism in physics, although in fact
     at a fundamental level it doesn'tdivides the physical world into two sets of observable
     quantities: the yin and the yang, if you like. It tells us that
     no matter what technology is invented in the future,
     it is impossible to measure certain combinations of observables with arbitrarily high
     accuracy. On microscopic scales, one might measure the position of a particle arbitrarily
     well. However, Heisenberg tells us that we then cannot know its velocity (and hence
     precisely where it will be in the next instant) very well at all. Or, we might ascertain
     the energy state of an atom with arbitrary precision. Yet in this case we cannot determine
     exactly how long it will remain in this state. The list goes on.
    These relations are at the heart of quantum mechanics, and they will never go away. As
     long as we work on scales where the laws of quantum mechanics applywhich, as far as all
     evidence indicates, is at least larger than the scale at which quantum gravitational
     effects become significant, or at about 10
     cmwe are stuck with them.
    There is a slightly flawed yet very satisfying physical argument that gives some heuristic
     understanding of the uncertainty principle. Quantum mechanics endows all particles with a
     wavelike behavior, and waves have one striking property: they are disturbed only when they
     encounter objects larger than their wavelength (the distance between successive crests).
     You have only to observe water waves in the ocean to see this behavior explicitly. A
     pebble protruding from the surface of the water will have no effect on the pattern of the
     surf pounding the shore. However, a large boulder will leave a region of calm water in its
    So, if we want to “illuminate” an atomthat is, bounce light off it so that we can see
     where it iswe have to shine light of a wavelength small enough so that it will be
     disturbed by the atom. However, the laws of quantum mechanics tell us that waves of light
     come in small packets, or quanta, which we call photons (as in starship “photon
     torpedoes,” which in fact are not made of photons). The individual photons of each
     wavelength have an energy inversely related to their wavelength. The greater the
     resolution we want, the smaller the wavelength of light we must use. But the smaller the
     wavelength, the larger the energy of the packets. If we bombard an atom with a high-energy
     photon in order to observe it, we may ascertain exactly where the atom was when the photon
     hit it, but the observation process itself that is, hitting the atom with the photonwill
     clearly transfer significant energy to the atom, thus changing its speed and direction of
     motion by some amount.
    It is therefore impossible to resolve atoms and their energy configurations with the
     accuracy necessary to re- create exactly a human pattern. Residual uncertainty in some of
     the observables

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