The Phoenix Crisis
attack on Renora, observe these logs,” said Kalila. She then
brought up not only a dataset marking the ship’s tracked positions
while the Renora attack was taking place—which showed the Black
Swan was indeed nowhere near Renora—she also brought up footage
from the ship’s own cameras that showed images of space and stars
that corroborated the computer’s claim of where the Black Swan
actually was. “These star configurations, in this pattern, clearly
indicate that we were at Theos One. Not Renora. If we were at
Renora these star patterns would be completely
    Calvin nodded. By this point he was entirely
convinced. And not just because he wanted to believe the princess
was innocent, but because this was actually a healthy amount of
compelling evidence.
    “ I’d still like to have the
operations chief check over all of this data, as well as the
Nighthawk’s computer, to assess the likelihood that any of it was
tampered with or outright fabricated,” said Summers.
    “ Of course,” said Kalila. “I
    But it wasn’t to Kalila that Summers was
speaking. Her eyes were on Calvin. “Sir, with your permission?”
    “ Granted,” said Calvin.
“Have Cassidy do a thorough analysis of this data and make a
complete report to both of us regarding the probable authenticity
of this information. In the meantime maintain present course and
    “ Yes, sir,” Summers said.
She bowed her head once to the princess and then swept away. The
door slid closed behind her.
    “ I don’t think that one
likes me very much,” said Kalila.
    Calvin smirked. “I’ve been there before. But
don’t worry, for as cold and icy as she is, Summers is completely
dependable. And in her own strange way she grows on you.”
    “ Indeed.”
    Kalila continued going through the various
documents, even though Calvin was already convinced of her
innocence. He tried to focus as best he could, but it was difficult
when she was standing right next to him, brushing up against him.
He could smell her light but splendid perfume and it, combined with
her proximity, made him melt a little inside.
    He cleared his throat and tried to organize
his thoughts. “Tell me, princess, how did you acquire such
high-level Polarian documents?” He knew he had to focus if he was
to keep a clear head. Somehow Kalila was just so intoxicating…
    “ I have some Polarian agents
of my own,” she replied. Calvin remembered their first meeting on
Tau Outpost, when he’d caught sight of blue skin hidden behind the
hooded disguise of one of Kalila’s bodyguards. He’d suspected then
that Kalila had at least one Polarian operative. Perhaps these
documents meant she had dozens.
    “ Those must be hard to
    “ Some of them were sought
out by my family, in an effort to improve relations and remain
informed. Some of our friendships and connections have existed
since the Great War, when there was for a time a common enemy, and
some of my connections are ones I have sought out myself. But the
truly valuable ones…” she paused and turned her head. Her soft
raven hair brushed his cheek and he liked how it felt. She looked
at him, their eyes very close—he’d never seen such richness and
darkness in a person’s eyes before; they could cast spells!—and she
spoke. “The most truly valuable have been the Polarian agents who
have put themselves, and in their minds their immortal souls, at
risk to give us information, and warnings, because they fear
another Great War is coming. These are noble Polarians who love
their people, and their families, even above their sacred
duty—which is technically blasphemy in their culture—and are
willing to give up everything, including eternal bliss, to do all
they can to prevent a second bloodbath from occurring. The Great
War was not kind to them. And if there is to be a second
    “ It would be far worse,”
Calvin agreed.
    Kaila didn’t move away and Calvin stared
into her eyes.

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