The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux Page A

Book: The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gaston Leroux
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speak of me again. If you love me just a little, do this for me, for me who will never forget you, my dear Raoul. My life depends upon it. Your life depends upon it. YOUR LITTLE CHRISTINE.
    Thunders of applause. Carlotta made her entrance.
    “I wish I could but know who was he
That addressed me,
If he was noble, or, at least, what his name is …”
    When Margarita had finished singing the ballad of the King of Thule , she was loudly cheered and again when she came to the end of the jewel song:
    “Ah, the joy of past compare
These jewels bright to wear! …”
    Thenceforth, certain of herself, certain of her friends in the house, certain of her voice and her success, fearing nothing, Carlotta flung herself into her part without restraint of modesty … She was no longer Margarita, she was Carmen. She was applauded all the more; and her debut with Faust seemed about to bring her a new success, when suddenly … a terrible thing happened.
    Faust had knelt on one knee:
    “Let me gaze on the form below me,
While from yonder ether blue
Look how the star of eve, bright and tender,
lingers o’er me,
To love thy beauty too!”
    And Margarita replied:
    “Oh, how strange!
Like a spell does the evening bind me!
And a deep languid charm
I feel without alarm
With its melody enwind me
And all my heart subdue.”
    At that moment, at that identical moment, the terrible thing happened … Carlotta croaked like a toad:
    There was consternation on Carlotta’s face and consternation on the faces of all the audience. The two managers in their box could not suppress an exclamation of horror. Every one felt that the thing was not natural, that there was witchcraft behind it. That toad smelt of brimstone. Poor, wretched, despairing, crushed Carlotta!
    The uproar in the house was indescribable. If the thing had happened to any one but Carlotta, she would have been hooted. But everybody knew how perfect an instrument her voice was; and there was no display of anger, but only of horror and dismay, the sort of dismay which men would have felt if they had witnessed the catastrophe that broke the arms of the Venus de Milo … And even then they would have seen … and understood …
    But here that toad was incomprehensible! So much so that, after some seconds spent in asking herself if she had really heard that note, that sound, that infernal noise issue from her throat, she tried to persuade herself that it was not so, that she was the victim of an illusion, an illusion of the ear, and not of an act of treachery on the part of her voice. …
    Meanwhile, in Box Five, Moncharmin and Richard had turned very pale. This extraordinary and inexplicable incident filled them with a dread which was the more mysterious inasmuch as for some little while, they had fallen within the direct influence of the ghost. They had felt his breath. Moncharmin’s hair stood on end. Richard wiped the perspiration from his forehead. Yes, the ghost was there, around them, behind them, beside them; they felt his presence without seeing him, they heard his breath, close, close, close to them! … They were sure that there were three people in the box … They trembled … They thought of running away … They dared not … They dared not make a movement or exchange a word that would have told the ghost that they knew that he was there! … What was going to happen?
    This happened.
    “Co-ack!” Their joint exclamation of horror was heard all over the house. They felt that they were smarting under the ghost’s attacks . Leaning over the ledge of their box, they stared at Carlotta as though they did not recognize her. That infernal girl must have given the signal for some catastrophe. Ah, they were waiting for the catastrophe! The ghost had told them it would come! The house had a curse upon it! The two managers gasped and panted under the weight of the catastrophe. Richard’s stifled voice was heard calling to Carlotta:
    “Well, go on!”
    No, Carlotta did not

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