The Phantom and the Psychic: A Paranormal Erotic Tale

The Phantom and the Psychic: A Paranormal Erotic Tale by Sophia Jones Page A

Book: The Phantom and the Psychic: A Paranormal Erotic Tale by Sophia Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Jones
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resting in hers.  And why shouldn’t he be?  Dominic looked back through time, to his days of flesh and blood.  When was the last time I held a woman’s hand?
    She continued, interrupting his musings. “It shows the past.  See here?  That’s your heart line, your love line.  Yours is deep and long.  I can see how much your Mary meant to you.”
    Dominic harrumphed, i nexplicable anger filling him.  “I’ll give you deep and long.  How ‘bout my hard cock pounding into you, punishing you for being a wicked woman who takes advantage of helpless old men?”  He moved from his place behind them to materialize in front of the woman.  “Look at you wench, in that scrap of scarlet fabric.  Why, it barely covers your arse!”  His gaze trailed up her long, shapely legs to the place the material stopped, high on her thighs.  Instead of disdain, longing washed through him.  Disgusted by his own neediness, he dragged his eyes to her face ... and felt his heart break. 
    “ Christ, such beautiful brown eyes,” he muttered in a whispered rasp.  Dominic reached out a phantom hand to caress the woman’s cheek, only to pull away in utter shock.
    He’d felt ... something.  Heat.  Delicate silkiness.  God’s teeth, I haven’t had the sensation of touch is six hundred years!
    Alyssa jerked her head up, and for a moment it seemed she stared right at him.   Dominic froze, a burning, elated hope shooting through him.  Could it be?   But no, her gaze wasn’t focused on him, but through him, and soon enough she dropped her head, continuing to speak to O’Toole.
    “And see this line here? It’s your life line, and from it I can see you’ve had a long journey, a determined journey.  You’re not a quitter, Mr. O’Toole.”  She released his hand and stood, pacing back and forth in front of the grand stone fireplace.  “After reading your emails, I wasn’t sure if I could help you.  The deaths could have been natural, just horrible, tragic coincidences.  But the moment I walked into this place, I could feel evil lurking here.”
    Still shaken from earlier, Dominic choked out a bitter laugh.  “Evil?  That’s going a bit far.”
    O’Toole gasped at her announcement.  “Yes.  Yes.  I never would have bought the place, if I’d known its history.”
    She nodded.  “Can you take me to the room?”
    Worry settled over O’Toole’s features.  “Are you sure about that, now?  Could be dangerous.”
    Alyssa smiled.  “We should be fine.  After all, both occurrences happened at night, while the victim s slept.  And let’s not forget, they were alone.”
    O’Toole dipped his head in a hesitant nod.  “I’ll need to retrieve the skeleton key.  I’ve had the room locked up tight, since the last, uh, occurrence.  Pardon me, I’ll be right back.”
    “Sure.”  She gave him a nod and another soft smile, and she returned to her place on the divan.
    Once O’Toole’s back disappeared around the corner, Dominic settled in beside her.  He had to touch her again, to see if that first experience had been real, even as he cautioned himself not to get his hopes up.  “Ah, just you and me now wench.  What shall we do to pass the time?” he asked, stretching out a hand towards her.
    Alyssa turned to him.  “Well Casper, for starters, we could work on your vocab ulary.  ‘Wench’ is horribly outdated, you presumptuous asshat.” 
    Alyssa burned with anger from the phantom’s insults, her fingers actually trembling with rage.  “You think I’m here to take advantage of that poor old man?  He’s already been through ..."
    I nvisible hands clasped onto her shoulders, interrupting her rant.  White hot energy sizzled at the points of contact, and she cried out in shock at the waves of pleasure-pain rolling through her being. 
    Immediately the hands dropped aw ay, and that floating, masculine voice from earlier was now a broken whisper.  “Forgive me, madam.  I pray I didn’t

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