The Perfect Storm (The Blake Boys Book 6)
ignored them. When the noise got louder, he slowly turned around to see Tyler and Channing standing in the doorway.
    “Good morning.” Tyler and Channing waved.
    He tried to block their view of her, but it was too late. When Sam waved back and got out of the car, his brothers took it as a sign to come over.
    “Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Channing smiled.
    “Samantha Jane, you know Tyler and Channing,” he mumbled.
    “Nice to meet you, Channing.” Sam shook Channing’s hand. “Tyler and I know each other.”
    “Kick Ass Sam, what brings my favorite private security specialist to the ranch?” Tyler moved in for a hug, but J.J. stepped in front of her.
    “Oh, hanging out with your big brother. Are you staying out of trouble?” She smiled.
    “I try. But just to be sure, you keep that passport updated.” Tyler grinned.
    She raised an eyebrow. “I always do. What woman are you running from now?”
    “Last month he did an undignified sprint down the road….” Channing tried to get out but Tyler jabbed him in the ribs.
    “I’d stop running for you, Sam. Just say the word.” Tyler winked.
    J.J. gave Tyler a deadly look.
    “There’s never a dull moment with you, Tyler.” Sam got back in the car and looked at J.J. “The soccer game should be over around twelve.”
    “I’ll pick you up at one.” J.J. ducked his head in and gave her a quick kiss. He watched as she drove down the road, missing her already.
    “She is hot.” Channing grinned.
    Tyler whistled. “You sly dog. What were you doing with Kick Ass Sam Carson?”
    “How long have you two been home?” J.J. barked.
    “You first. Why don’t you tell us all about her while you fix us breakfast? Unless you want momma and daddy to know you snuck a girl into the house.” Channing folded his arms across his chest.
    J.J. sighed and counted the hours until one o’clock.
    * * *
    J.J. slammed a dozen eggs onto the counter so hard half of them cracked in the carton. He was a grown man and didn’t have to offer any explanations, but he didn’t want to add his parents to the mix. Tyler and Channing thought they had the upper hand, and he let them think it. But by the time they’d made their way to the kitchen, Seth and Tate were walking through the door.
    “I want some waffles too. Don’t forget to add an extra dash of love.” Tyler smirked as he leaned against the counter.
    Tate plopped down in a chair. “If you are doing the bidding of those two, I’m almost glad I got out of bed.”
    “Good morning. What’s the non-emergency, emergency?” Seth yawned.
    J.J. looked at his brother who looked frazzled. “Late night?”
    “I spent most of the evening assembling that Little Tots Gymboree that Uncle Tate bought the boys this weekend.” Seth rubbed the back of his neck.
    “Gymboree?” J.J. looked at Tate.
    “The boys need something to help sharpening their motor skills.” Tate shrugged.
    “They’re cutting in on his private time with Isabelle.” Channing made eyes at Tate.
    “Let’s get back to the reason we’ve come together. We caught J.J. escorting our Sam out of here a little while ago.” Tyler spied J.J.’s technique as he mixed the batter.
    “So I guess there are no more monsters under your bed.” Seth snagged a piece of bacon off the serving tray.
    “Shut up.” J.J. rotated the waffle maker.
    “Finally, he’s getting laid. You didn’t forget how that all works, did you?” Tate grinned.
    “And she is hot.” Tyler took a bite out of an apple.
    “Well, she is. There’s a reason her name rhymes with ‘damn.’” Channing began setting the table.
    “Tyler, how often does Sam save your neck?” J.J. asked.
    Tyler flashed a cheesy grin. “I plead the fifth.”
    “Forget about his shenanigans. Are you dating Sam or what?” Tate grumbled as he got out the silverware.
    “Yes. As a matter of fact, we have a date this afternoon.” J.J. shook his head as the brothers did celebratory high fives.

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