The Pearly Queen

The Pearly Queen by Mary Jane Staples Page B

Book: The Pearly Queen by Mary Jane Staples Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Jane Staples
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soon, carrying the trousers and skirt. He handed them over, his blue eyes regarding Mother Verity in curiosity.
    â€˜That’s very kind of you, sir—’
    â€˜I’m not sir, I’m Will Fletcher.’
    â€˜Mr Fletcher, you are fully forgiven,’ said Mother Verity.
    â€˜Am I? What for?’
    â€˜Your brutality.’
    He laughed out loud. ‘Give the tanner to Lulu,’ he said, and the urchin girl put out an eager grubby hand. Mother Mary held the garments while Mother Verity opened her handbag and fished for her purse. She fished deeper. She looked at Will Fletcher. His expression was blank.
    â€˜My purse has gone,’ she said.
    â€˜Well, ruddy ’ard luck,’ he said.
    â€˜Oh,’ said Mother Mary, and examined her own handbag. ‘Oh, what disgustin’ thievin,’ she exclaimed. ‘I’m goin’ to complain to them policemen.’
    â€˜Help yerself,’ said Will Fletcher, ‘but what about Lulu’s tanner?’
    â€˜Don’t go to the policemen, sister,’ said Mother Verity, ‘go and ask Mother Joan or Father Peter for sixpence. The Lord expects forgiveness of us, we must put aside any bitterness.’
    â€˜All I’d got was in me purse,’ said Mother Mary, but Mother Verity was right, it wasn’t Christian to complain to the law.
    Since Mother Joan and Mother Ruth had had their purses lifted too, Father Peter supplied the necessary sixpence. Mother Mary returned to the house with it and gave it to Mother Verity. She handed it to the child, whose fingers closed avidly over it. Will Fletcher looked on silently.
    â€˜Is she your daughter, Mr Fletcher?’ asked Mother Verity.
    â€˜Mine?’ He laughed again. ‘That she’s not. What would I do with daughters or sons, or even a wife, in a place like this? Would I even be ’ere if I had a job? Be your age, lady, or you’ll blow me happy memories of you through the ruddy sky. And take my tip, don’t come round again. Me kindly neighbours had games with you yesterday, and more games today. Next time—’
    â€˜Games?’ said Mother Mary. ‘I’ll ’ave you know it was sinful outrage, and all our purses thieved off us as well. Shameful, that’s what it was, shameful.’
    â€˜Me heart bleeds for yer, missus,’ he said. ‘And watch out if there’s a next time. Next time me kindly neighbours might just turn unfriendly.’
    â€˜Sticks and stones may break my bones—’
    â€˜Hoppit, lady,’ he said. He smiled at Mother Verity. ‘You too, sweetheart. I’ll say this much, you’re a reg’lar good-looker, even if you are a bit barmy. Here, take a goodbye one for real luck.’ And he put his hand under Mother Verity’s chin, lifted her face and kissed her. Mother Verity trembled dreadfully. Mother Mary had never seen a more disgraceful kiss, considering how pure Mother Verity was. It was right on her mouth and really shocking. Any other woman would have fainted, but Mother Verity was so brave in enduring it. Her mouth was parted in awful shock when he released her.
    â€˜What a disgustin’ abomination,’ said Mother Mary, terribly shocked herself. ‘You won’t ever get to the kingdom of ’eaven, you brute.’
    He laughed again. ‘It’s hell for me, is it?’ he said. ‘Well, I’m used to hell.’
    Deeply flushed, Mother Verity said, ‘I beg you not to speak like that, salvation is denied to no-one. Again I forgive you. And I shall pray for you.’
    Sarcastic laughter followed her as she left with Mother Mary and rejoined the other Repenters. Gratefully, Father Luke restored his rescued trousers to his legs, and with a hearty flourish, Mother Joan pulled on her retrieved skirt.
    â€˜Can’t blame ’em, I suppose,’ she said, ‘the Devil’s got ’em in his pocket.’
    We shall come again,’

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