The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3)

The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3) by Dee Palmer Page B

Book: The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3) by Dee Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Palmer
Tags: The Choices Trilogy, Book Three
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negotiation. I can feel it, I can see it, his eyes sparkle. It’s why he has been so successful he thrives on this, he clearly loves it.
    “Yes but perhaps some desire to work in construction might be preferable, no?” I also straighten my back. I kind of like the challenge too, especially when I know I’m going to win.
    “Not necessarily, you are bright. I am sure there would be somewhere you would fit perfectly, we don’t have to put you on the tools.” He can’t help his grin spreading like wildfire across his rough tanned face.
    “I know you think you’re pretty persuasive but you’re not going to win this one Tom.” I lay my napkin into my lap and try to hide my humour at this exchange.
    “And you are so sure about this because I’ve been so unsuccessful in the past?” I let him have that one because he has got his way over a number of issues regarding me but only since my talk with Ethan.
    “No, in- spite of it.” I lean forward adopting a more assertive position, which he mirrors but he is sporting a huge smile. “I promised I would cover holidays at the restaurant and if I make a promise I keep it.” I narrow my eyes with finality and bite my lips to stop my own winning grin.
    He sinks back deflated and defeated. “Always?” His last effort lacks heart.
    “Always.” I nod and only flinch internally thinking that my last promise was to marry Daniel. Right before he told me he was going to be having a baby with his ex, I don’t think there is a judge in the land that would’ve held me to that promise. So I nod again, happy that I do, under any normal circumstance keep my promise. With that, the waiter serves our brunch, American size portions of pancakes with maple syrup for me and the same for Tom with maple cured bacon on the side. The steam and smells rise as does the contents of my stomach as the smell of the bacon hits me like a brick. I clench my teeth and swallow the liquid pooling in my mouth, choking back my gag reflex. I squish the napkin in my face just in case I don’t quite make it to the Ladies. I scramble from the booth and run flat out, dramatically slamming through two sets of fire doors before I am safely bent double over the ladies toilet.
    Tom seemed happy enough with my blatant misuse of ‘women’s’ problems’ get out card’ to explain my sudden departure and since he had cleared his plate by the time I returned I was even able to eat some of my pancakes. The portion was massive but with an empty stomach I did make a decent effort. I make my apologies for cutting our get together short but I was taking the easy afternoon shift at the restaurant and had to leave. Tom made me promise to come to visit him, taking advantage of his new knowledge regarding my promises and I happily did. I also promised to bring Marco, Sofia and Paul if their diaries would accommodate an afternoon in the country.

    “It’s safe to come in now Bets!” Ricki the youngest kitchen porter shouts to me as I take my waitress apron from my hanger in the staff room. “All the hard works done! . . . Ow What the fuck Joe!” He cries out.
    I peek round the corner into the kitchen and see Joe retrieve his hand from the back of Ricki’s head. He winks at me and I laugh. It feels good to be back. “Take no notice Bets, we’re always busy and besides we don’t want to frighten you off now we only just got you back. So we’re happy to ease you in gently.” He scowls at Ricki, who actually steps back with wide quaking eyes. Joe is a big guy and I can see how he could be intimidating but to me he is just a big bear. He grabs and hugs me like one as I enter his domain.
    “Hey Joe, need to breathe here.” I wriggle from his arms and make my way to the swing door separating the restaurant. The smells in the kitchen are intense and I am sure they are delicious, just not to me at the moment. So in the quiet times I am lucky to be able to work the bar. As much as Joe loves me I think that bond would be

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