The One Left Behind (The One Series)

The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole

Book: The One Left Behind (The One Series) by Lena Nicole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Nicole
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I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to talk to him before I left. He would have known how to calm my nerves. Sighing, I grab my car keys and head to my car.
    It is a gorgeous night. I pull up to the restaurant and park my car. I’m about to ask the hostess where Colin is seated when I see him out of the corner of my eye. He stands and I make my way toward him. He gives me a tight smile and I give him a hug. His body stiffens, then finally relaxes, as he loosely wraps his arms around me. I’m half expecting there to be some sort of spark to ignite from deep within my subconscious. But it’s not there. It’s just a friendly hug with no sense of intimacy whatsoever. What happens next is just awkward. We both go to give each other a kiss on the cheek, and collide into each other’s lips. It is just a peck but it is enough that we both are apologizing and grasping for our seats across from each other at the table. I try to break the tension so we can have a good night.
    “Next time, we’ll both go right,” I say with a small laugh.
    Colin laughs and I see his body relax as he says, “Sounds good. Next time there will be no casualties.” He gives me a playful smile and I know this isn’t going to be so bad after all.
    “So how are things going? How’s work? Are you all caught up?” I ask to start the conversation.
    “Unfortunately no, but I’m getting there. Being the new guy at the firm I tend to get the a lot of small cases that add up quickly. When the accident happened, I was slammed with work cases that were piling up on my desk. I’ll get there though. It’s just going to take a lot of late nights at the office. I actually just came from there, hence the suit.” He gestures to his clothing with his hand.
    “Oh, I’m sorry, Colin. I didn’t mean to tear you away from your work.”
    He quickly interrupts and waves his hand dismissing my comment, “No need for apologies, Addy. I will always have time for you.”
    That statement makes me smile because he is such a great guy. I just wish I could feel something for him. When he thinks no one is watching, I catch him gazing at me with a longing look in his eye and a loving smile on his face. The night continues on and the conversation is flowing freely as well as the margaritas. We are laughing and Colin asks me if I want to dance. I want to but I need a little more to drink before I work up the nerve, so I tell him to ask me after a couple more drinks. I am laughing at a story Colin is telling me about Jeremy and Morgan while at Morgan’s apartment when my phone goes off. Not thinking, I pick up my phone off the table and read my new message.
    Pierce: Hey, sorry for my late response. This is the first break I had all day. So dinner at ‘your spot’, huh? Well I’m here if you need me. One slight problem though. I’m all out of pennies. Do you take quarters?
    Me: Haha, you’re such a dork. I will call you when I get home. Try not to work too late. CEOs in training need sleep too you know.”
    A little laugh escapes my mouth and I bring my hand up to my face to quiet myself. I put my phone down and look up. My smile fades instantly as I see the look on Colin’s face. Shit . He must have seen that my text was from Pierce and the scowl on his face indicates that he is angry. I do the only thing I felt that would help in this moment. I reach out, grab his hand and hold it tight.

I WATCH HER as she is texting him back and I feel like I’ve been kicked in the stomach. All the air leaves my body as I take in her expression. She has the brightest smile on her face and looks genuinely happy. I think I even hear a small laugh escape her lips. This bothers me because I haven’t seen that look on her face since the accident and I wish more than anything it was me making her smile. Not this random dickhead.
    She glances up at me and I must be scowling because her smile instantly fades. Shit, I don’t mean to make her feel uncomfortable. It’s

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