The Neighbor's Son (The Forbidden Love Series: Book 1)
when the doorbell began
buzzing. With my yoga mat under one arm and my bag slung over the
other, I rushed downstairs.
    I made my way to the front door
thinking either a salesman or a Jehovah’s Witness was paying me a
visit that early on a Saturday. I swung the door open, ready to
politely dismiss whoever was on the other side of it. If I didn't
get on the road immediately, I was going to miss my
    "Listen. I'm sorry but...," I said, my
voice trailing off when my eyes landed on the tall glass of hotness
standing on my welcome mat.
    Holy crap.
    My mind went blank and my pulse began
to race. The man was, without a doubt, the most gorgeous specimen I
had ever laid eyes on. I’m talking movie star gorgeous. I just
stared at him with my mouth hanging open. He was mesmerizing.
Pretty, too pretty… and also young, not jail bait young, but young
enough that I felt like a total pervert for having the thoughts I
was having. Suddenly, yoga didn't seem so important. I was ready to
buy whatever it was that gorgeous boy was selling.
    “ Hi. My name is Cade and I
just moved into the house at the end of the block,” the handsome
man-boy said, reaching out for my hand. A crooked grin stretched
his ridiculously gorgeous face. I saw dimples. Sigh. I'm a sucker
for dimples on a man's face. His voice was deep, gravelly, sexy as
hell. I detected a bit of an accent. Midwestern maybe. I set the
rolled-up yoga mat down between my legs so I could shake his hand.
It felt calloused and rough against mine, and I immediately started
to wonder how that hand would feel on other parts of my body. Stop
it, Sidney! He’s a child for God’s sake!
    “ Hi, Cade. I’m Sidney.
Sidney MacDougal. Welcome to the neighborhood,” I managed to say
while pretending his astonishing hotness wasn’t turning my knees to
Jell-O. I smiled and nodded politely while he talked about his
family and the neighborhood. Or at least that's what I thought he
was talking about. The truth is I wasn't really listening to the
words coming out of his perfectly shaped, kissable lips. How could
I? I was too distracted by the pair of piercing sky blue eyes
trying to bore a hole through me. He stared at me in a way that
excited me but also made me uncomfortable. It was very strange.
Even though he looked very young, he had an air of confidence and
maturity about him that didn’t match his age. How old did he look?
I’d say twenty, twenty-two tops.
    I held Cade’s gaze for most of the
conversation but I noticed his eyes would occasionally slip down to
my breasts and my bare midriff. He clearly liked what he was seeing
judging by the way he held his lower lip between his teeth every
time his wandering eyes rolled up and down my Lycra-covered
    When I managed to wrestle my eyes away
from his smoldering gaze, I noticed he had a body that was just as
spectacular as his face. He had a tight, sleeveless t-shirt on that
drew attention to his bulging, sun-kissed biceps. The t-shirt was
tight and thin enough that I could see some of the cords and ridges
on his torso through it. Cade was definitely not a stranger to the
gym. He had a muscular body, but not yucky, body builder muscular.
His build was more like that of a runner or a boxer, which to me
was just perfect.
    “ So...Do you?” Cade asked
while pulling something out of the back pocket of his khaki
    “ I’m sorry. Do I what?” I
replied, embarrassed that I had not been listening.
    “ Do you have anything
around your house that needs fixing?" He handed me a white business
card. Cade Fisher, Landscaping/Repair Services, the card read.
There was a telephone number and an email address printed on it.
Unfortunately, my lawn had just been mowed and I couldn't think of
anything in the house that needed fixing. “Sorry. I don’t,” I
    “ Well, I’ll be around all
summer. If you need someone to mow your lawn or repair your air
conditioner, I’m your guy. I have references if you need them and

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