The Mythos Unveiled (Demona series)

The Mythos Unveiled (Demona series) by Megan Hepler Page A

Book: The Mythos Unveiled (Demona series) by Megan Hepler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Hepler
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had it!”
Kerrick,” Balen said. “You don’t have to call me Balen all the time.” A grin
spread across his face.
    Does he consider
me an equal?
danced longer, blocking each other’s blows. They both struck at the same time
locking swords. This brought them within feet of each other, their swords
locked and eyes met. Each of them was determined to outdo the other.
threw Demona’s sword out of the lock and she stumbled. She just barely caught
herself and swept the blade towards Kerrick’s legs. He jumped in an attempt to
avoid the sword’s edge, but he stumbled as he landed.
lost her footing and fell into, the already off balanced, Kerrick and they both
fell to the ground. Demona landed on top of him, but before she could respond
to the awkward position they were in, Kerrick pushed her off of him. In the
process Demona’s sword flew out of her hand.
quickly rolled into an offensive position. She felt the sharp of his blade that
was pressed against her throat. Demona looked up to find Kerrick’s face only
inches from her own. Exhausted they both remained in position and tried to
recover their strength from the fight.
looked into his eyes and found a flicker of excitement. Before she knew what
she was doing she reached up and pulled his face towards hers. Their lips met
fiercely and a fire burned within. There was no passion there, only pure lust.
returned her kiss with a forcefulness of his own. He pulled himself away only
slightly to withdraw his blade and threw it off to the side. He met Demona’s
lips again eagerly. Kerrick rolled onto his back and brought Demona to rest on
top of him.
was new for Demona, this was a fully fledged fire. They could not get enough of
each other. Demona bit down hard on Kerrick’s bottom lip and a moan escaped
him. He gripped Demona closer.
Demona said. She managed to pull away. She sat near him and looked in his
direction. With a shudder she tried to bring her brain back to life. The
intensity had forced all conscious thought out of her mind. She shook her head
in an attempt to clear it. “I can’t do this right now. You’re my partner. I
think I still have feelings for Felix. This can’t happen.”
was nothing. Sometimes it happens after a fight. Don’t get yourself all in a
huff,” Kerrick said. He got to his feet and brushed himself off.
sorry,” Demona said.
frustration and intensity of the fight can sometimes manifest into other forms
of emotion. No big deal,” Kerrick said. He turned to pick up their swords and
began walking back to the car.
got to her feet and began to follow. Okay,
what was that about?

    Chapter 11

phone rang. Demona untangled herself from her covers and groggily threw her arm
towards her night stand. With her eyes still closed she felt around for the
phone. After she found it, she peered through squinted eyes at the name
flashing on the screen. Kerrick. The feeling of butterflies grew in her
Demona said. She tried to hide a yawn.
I need you to pick me up. Darius gave permission to take the day for more
training,” Kerrick said.
where are you?” Demona asked. She threw the covers off of her.
can’t we meet at TGHC?”
car isn’t working.”
me half an hour.” Then, Demona hung up the phone.
stretched and drug herself out of bed. As she changed she noticed multiple
bruises on her body from the past few days of training. Demona threw on a pair
of black yoga shorts and a light purple tank top. She quickly pulled her hair
up in a bun, so that it would not fall into her eyes. Then, she ran into the
bathroom to brush her teeth before she headed for the door.
headed down the hall for the stairway where she heard voices coming from ahead.

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