The Mystery of Wickworth Manor

The Mystery of Wickworth Manor by Elen Caldecott Page A

Book: The Mystery of Wickworth Manor by Elen Caldecott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elen Caldecott
able to say no, of course, no matter how like a request it seemed.

Chapter 27

    They were just about to leave his attic when Curtis heard his phone ring. It was Mum’s ringtone. He remembered their night-time call, where there had been more silence than words. There was a heavy feeling in his chest as he walked to his open suitcase and fished for the phone.
    ‘Hello?’ he said.
    ‘Curtis, it’s me,’ Mum said. ‘Is everything OK?’
    Curtis glanced over at Paige. She stood in the doorway, facing the other way, doing her best to look as though she wasn’t listening. ‘Of course. I can’t talk, I’m late for something.’
    ‘Oh, I thought it might be lunchtime. I was hoping to catch you.’
    ‘Why? Is everything OK with you?’ Curtis frowned slightly.
    ‘Yes. Yes, it is. But you called so late. I was worried. We thought it might be best to leave you to settle, but maybe we were wrong. Curtis –’ Mum paused.
    ‘Just . . . take care. That’s all.’
    ‘OK. Listen, I’m in a hurry.’
    ‘Of course. Well, bye.’
    Curtis ended the call and threw the phone back. He felt as though the room was suddenly colder. He’d managed to forget about Mum and the worry and the disappointment, just for a little while. But now it all washed right back, as though it was a wave that got pulled out on the tide only to crash back to shore moments later.
    ‘What’s the matter?’ Paige asked.
    ‘Nothing.’ How could he explain to Paige? She and her mum were like best friends. She wouldn’t understand.
    They were the last to arrive at the lake. Mr Appleton gave them a quick nod. Everyone else was pulling on lifejackets and helmets.
    ‘Why does everything we do here mean we wear helmets?’ Paige moaned.
    Curtis grinned. He pulled his on and clipped it under his chin. Paige picked up a lifejacket and dropped it over her shoulders; its red panels were decorated with go-faster stripes.
    ‘Now, there’s not a lot to this,’ Mr Appleton said. ‘Two to a canoe. You’ve all got paddles. Try not to soak each other.’
    He led them out on to the jetty. Curtis walked beside Paige. He suddenly heard a hiss from behind them.
    Curtis turned. Liam was there, glaring at Curtis from under the brow of his helmet.
    ‘Pardon?’ Curtis asked.
    ‘Snitch,’ Liam said, louder this time. ‘I’ve heard what people are saying about me. It was only you who could have told them.’
    Curtis stopped walking.
    Liam stopped too.
    ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Curtis tried to think of something he might have done, or said. Anything at all, but his mind was blank.
    ‘Well, new boy, you were the only one who knew. Except for my mates, of course.’
    ‘Knew about what?’
    ‘Don’t play innocent with me. I’m no mug.’
    ‘Is there a problem here?’ Mr Appleton rested his hands on Curtis’s and Liam’s shoulders. The weight felt reassuring.
    ‘No, sir,’ Liam looked down.
    ‘Well, come on, get paddling.’
    The canoe wobbled as Curtis and Paige settled in, but it stayed upright. Curtis leaned towards Paige’s back and whispered, ‘Any idea what that was all about?’
    ‘Who knows? Sal said at breakfast that Caitlin said that Paul had heard that Liam and his mates were messing around last night, but I don’t know what that’s got to do with you. Ignore him.’
    Curtis watched Liam and his partner move off on to the lake. He remembered Liam’s invitation to join in with whatever prank they were getting up to. He’d totally forgotten about it. But obviously Liam hadn’t. And someone had tattled. And Curtis was getting the blame for the rumours.
    ‘Forget it,’ Paige said.
    Curtis wasn’t sure that he could, but eventually the gentle rhythm of the paddle pulling through the water settled the anxiety he felt. The glass surface of the lake became a comb of ripples. There were splashes and shouts all around them, but the heat of the sun on the back of his neck, the lap of

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