The Mysterious Governess (Daughters of Sin Book 3)
made him persona non grata in the higher echelons of government and society, so he needed a wife like Araminta whose beauty, charm and grace would assist in him being embraced by society.
    All she had to do was give him the letter.
    Tonight, dressed just like Hetty—as a Spanish dancing girl for the masquerade at Vauxhall—Araminta intended that by the end of the night, the elder Miss Partington was going to be all but Sir Aubrey’s wife.
    If he didn’t make Araminta a formal offer, she had a plan that would give him no choice.

Chapter Eight
    L issa’s relief was short-lived. News had come to her that Jem had been discovered alive but that he’d been knocked about badly, and now lay at death’s door.
    When she had a moment to spare, she scribbled a note, which she entrusted to the boot boy, waited a few moments before she snatched her cloak, then hurried the two blocks to where her half-sisters lived. Araminta was not smiling when she greeted her beneath the apple tree.
    “What do you suppose might have happened if someone had intercepted that note?” she demanded.
    “Is Jem going to live?”
    “You risked my reputation to ask me that? Besides, why should you care?”
    “Because I met him and liked him, and because of you— us —his life was put in danger. Of course I should care! I see you’re going to a masquerade.”
    She stared at Araminta’s Spanish dancing girl costume, trying unsuccessfully to withstand the spasm of envy that, she feared, was plain for the other girl to see.
    Araminta looked smug. “Tonight is very special. I intend a certain gentleman to make me an offer.”
    “Lord Debenham?”
    “Good Lord, no. Not after what I saw in that letter! No, Sir Aubrey. Although his reputation is somewhat tarnished, Sir Aubrey will have me to thank for restoring glory to him.”
    Lissa gasped. “I thought you didn’t have the money to obtain the letter?”
    Araminta looked uncomfortable. “Hetty has gone behind my back and somehow acquired the letter...but she won’t have it for long.  I intend to retrieve it tonight. Lord knows what she was about, thinking he might look at her twice if she was the one to triumphantly brandish it in front of him. Now I really must go, while you no doubt have your governessing duties to attend to.”
    She turned, saying over her shoulder, “Your concern is really most touching, but I’m sure Jem will be quite all right. He’s not dead, at any rate.”
    L issa dashed back to the Lamont household and had reached the first landing when a hand darted from seemingly nowhere and landed on her shoulder. She squealed and Cosmo stepped into the light, laughing. She hated his habit of accosting her from the shadows.
    “Methinks only someone with something to hide could be so all-aquiver. What? Been to see your lover, have you? Well, that’s of no account to me, as long as you abide by our agreement.”
    She shrugged off his hand and started to climb the stairs again, ignoring him, but he called her back.
    “Clara is putting the girls to bed. I’ve told everyone you’ve been given the evening off to seek a remedy from your aunt.” At her open-mouthed shock, he went on, “That’s because you’re coming with me.”
    She drew back, frightened, as he made to reach for her, and instantly the sneer on his face told her she was unwise to make her distaste so clear.
    Before she could ask his meaning, he repeated, “You’re coming with me to Vauxhall Gardens. It’s a masquerade, the perfect opportunity for you to do those lightning sketches you’re so good at, since you’ll be in disguise like everyone else.”
    Excitement mixed with trepidation, for although Lissa had been envious of Araminta minutes before, the idea of being anywhere in close proximity to Cosmo was terrifying.
    “My reputation—” she began, but he scoffed.
    “Really, Miss Hazlett, you’re a governess, that’s all. Mama has an ancient domino rig-out she wore to a masquerade ball last

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