The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon

The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon by Amy Lunderman Page B

Book: The Misadventures of Daria Pigwidgeon by Amy Lunderman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Lunderman
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in place. My smile slips slightly. Not from anything bad, just because I haven’t really been alone with Chance since the time in the car when he was touch my cheeks. So naturally my little girl heart is doing back flips in my chest at the moment.
    I’m wondering what brings him home so late, when he spies me frozen in place by the door watching him. He too freezes, like he didn’t expect to see me standing there. Then again, he probably didn’t. I am a new fixture to the once empty garage. I can’t help noticing the way the blue of his eyes sparkle in the moonlight. And I’m grateful that not a single light is on, because really, what girl wants the boy she’s thinking corny thoughts about to see her blush.
    But then he smiles (my favorite sly one of his) and rounds the side of the car. This brings him closer to me. I basically have to resist the urge to back up or to skirt around him and run into my apartment and lock the door behind me. Did I mention I’m a weirdo? Please insert eye roll here.
    He stops just shy of touching distance, and reaches his arm out to me. Oh man, is this it? Is he going to just kiss me like I want him to? His hand is almost to my cheek again, and I let out another sigh, almost already feeling the warmth of it. Seconds tick by, but the warmth never comes. That’s because his hand passes my cheek, and goes right for the light switch that just happens to be right behind me. Go figure.
    The garage is flooded with light. Enough that I can see Chance pulling his hand back and sticking now both in the front pocket of his jeans. He then takes a step back, once again at a safe distance from me. No sign of a kiss in sight. Stupid light. I just know he can see the wicked blush staining my cheeks. For once I wish my wild hair wasn’t secure in a knot on top of my head. I could seriously use it as a curtain right about now.
    Looking right at me he says, “Fancy meeting you here rabbit.”
    Even in the light, the sparkle is still in his eyes. I get the feeling that maybe he knew exactly what I would think when he moved in so close to me. And what’s worse? He knows why I’m blushing, because I so obviously wanted him to kiss me. So what do I do when faced with something embarrassing? Play it off cool like and say something witty? Ugh, no. I always use anger and resentment as a shield. No need to change now.
    “Not really, I do live here you know.” I tell him with a slap in my voice.
    Of course it would probably sound convincing if I were glaring or something. But hey, how menacing can I really be to a boy who towers over me just so. I guess that’s why I don’t bother glaring. Instead I have a sly grin of my own on my face. Am I flirting? Oh boy, this won’t end well. I can so see him laughing anytime now.
    Only he doesn’t. His grin just turns authentic and he bows his head a little bit at me.
    “True enough.” He says.
    Well, it is kind of stating the obvious. Whatever, I’ll let it slide this time.
    Feeling a little bold, I say, “So what keeps you out so late after dark?”
    I expect a laugh of some kind to fall out of his lips, but I don’t get as much as a chuckle. He turns away and goes over to lean against his car. I follow him, feeling guilty for saying something wrong. Even though I don’t know what it was. I eye him cautiously, leaning a good distance away from him. I only realize that maybe stalking him just now probably isn’t my best move. Too late now though.
    “Chance?” I utter in a whisper, not able to resist knowing he’s all right.
    When his eyes turn to me, his expression is the most serious it’s been since I first met him. I want to kick myself for making him look that way. His gaze holds me in perfect serenity, and we stay in silence for a few moments. Then a need fills his eyes, and his lips part like he is going to say something. I inch closer, not wanting to miss a thing. And as fast as the need appeared in his eyes, it fades.
    He shrugs and looks away.

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