The Millionaire's Redemption

The Millionaire's Redemption by Margaret Tanner Page A

Book: The Millionaire's Redemption by Margaret Tanner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Tanner
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it, but he wouldn’t drink himself into oblivion or take his own life like Brad had after Vicki betrayed him. He cursed under his breath, berating himself for being such a gullible fool, yet inwardly he wept bitter tears.

Chapter Eight
    Two weeks after being fired by Owen, Holly still didn’t have a job. There were plenty of employment opportunities around for medical typists, but lack of suitable childcare proved the major stumbling block.
    Maybe she should be looking at live-in housekeeping or nanny jobs where she could take Lilly she decided, wheeling the stroller down to Harry’s general store.
    “Hello, love. Find anything in yesterday’s paper?” 
    “No, it’s the child minding that’s really the problem. I can’t find anywhere suitable.” Maybe she was being too picky, but she couldn’t risk leaving Lilly anywhere substandard.
    “Keep searching, something will turn up,” he said with a sympathetic smile. “By the way, some Englishman came in here yesterday asking about you?”
    “Who? I don’t know any… Oh my God.” Her heart leapt up into her mouth until she nearly choked on it. Fear slammed into her with the force of a battering ram. Her legs shook so much they were barely able to support her weight.
    “Looked kind of military, a private investigator, if you ask me.”
    She slumped against the counter. If she hadn’t been wheeling the stroller, she would have collapsed in a screaming heap on the floor. Her worst nightmare, the blackest of her dreams had become a scary reality. Someone from England was searching for her. The Kirwans had tracked them down.
    “What did you tell him? Oh, Harry what did you say?”
    “He had your address, complained about knocking on the door but not getting an answer. I didn’t tell him you lived in a bungalow out the back though.”
    Relief flooded through her for a moment, followed by panic. “He must have been sent out by Robbie’s parents. They want to take Lilly away from me. They won’t get away with it,” she vowed fiercely.
    “It might be safer if you moved away from here, love.”
    “Where can I go?” Now was not the time to go to pieces. She had to think of a plan and quickly.
    “Here, take the paper. You might find somewhere. I wish I could offer you a room at my place, but with the daughter and grandkids coming back, we’re crowded out.”
    “I know, Harry, but thanks anyway.”
    Her head started aching like it always did when she got stressed. She bought a loaf of bread and a couple of other things. Would the Englishman be watching the house?
    She would have to be careful from now on. Play it smart. How could the English authorities get hold of her address? The Veteran Affairs people must have contacted their English counterparts, and Robbie’s dad once worked in the government. He would still have his network of spies operating there.
    Dare they return home? There was no alternative. She needed to get some things for Lilly. She fought to keep herself under control. If she went to pieces now, they were both doomed. Lilly would be taken away from her. A fate worse than death.
    When she arrived home, the street appeared deserted. She still had the house keys, so she went in through the door, in case the PI was hiding somewhere. Let him think they actually lived in the house. It might buy her a little time. He would keep knocking on the door a few more times thinking she was at work.
    “What a mess we’re in.”
    “Mumma.” Lilly gave a toothy, dribbling grin.
    “Oh baby, you’ve got no idea of the danger we’re facing.”
    Once inside the bungalow, she locked the door and jammed a chair against it. You fool she castigated herself, giving a hysterical giggle. The Englishman wouldn’t kick the door in. Come with the police and welfare people waving a court order most likely. Oh yes, he would do everything by the book. She could visualize it. Well, he would be too late. They would be gone. How? Where? She had no idea, but

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