The Midnight Carnival

The Midnight Carnival by Erika McGann Page B

Book: The Midnight Carnival by Erika McGann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika McGann
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witchcraft lessons.’
    ‘I’m out of both, I know. Ms Lemon called me.’
    ‘Oh. I didn’t think she’d… I’m really sorry.’
    ‘Don’t worry about it.’
    ‘We can all go on strike. Refuse to do our lessons, tellthem we won’t guard the well. We ignored Mrs Quinlan last night, it drove her bonkers and she kicked us all out.’
    ‘Don’t do that. What’s the point? That old hag would expel you all, you know she would. Don’t let her ruin it for the rest of you.’
    They walked on in silence until they reached the playground at the bottom of the hill. Without saying anything they both sat down on the swings and swayed absentmindedly. Grace was a little unnerved. Jenny had a glint in her eye that she couldn’t ignore.
    ‘What is it?’
    ‘What’s what?’ Jenny said, turning away too late to hide a smile.
    ‘You were miserable yesterday. What’s changed?’
    ‘Things are looking up.’
    ‘What things?’
    Jenny shook her head, but she was jiggling one leg and Grace got the impression she couldn’t hold it in any longer.
    ‘I’ve made a decision,’ the tall girl said. She leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper. ‘When the carnival leaves, I’m going with them.’
    ‘Just that. I’m going with them. I’m going to be a strongwoman, like Agata.’
    Jenny was smiling like it was excellent news; and like it was definite.
    ‘No, you’re not,’ said Grace. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’
    ‘I am. And it doesn’t matter what you say, Grace, you won’t talk me out of it.’
    ‘I won’t even try, but you’re not going.’
    ‘Yes, I am.’
    Jenny wasn’t jiggling her leg anymore. She looked calm. She looked sure of herself.
    ‘This isn’t happening, Jenny, so get it out of your head.’
    ‘Get it into your head, Brennan. I’m going. If that Cat Hag won’t let me learn magic anymore I’m not sticking around to watch you lot become witches. I wouldn’t miss school, I wouldn’t even miss home, do you know that? If I’m not washing dishes, I’m babysitting Sarah. It’s boring as hell, and I need a change.’
    ‘Stop talking rubbish. You know you’d never leave home.’
    ‘I would, and I am. And don’t talk to me like I’m a child!’
    Grace tried to keep her voice level, like this was just a silly notion that wasn’t worth getting upset about, but something in her friend’s face made her worry. It was as if Jenny was forcing Grace to play a part she didn’t want to play. When Grace finally spoke, she was almost shouting.
    ‘Listen to me, you’re not running away to join the circus, and that’s the end of it. It’s ridiculous!’
    ‘It’s not a circus, it’s a carnival.’
    ‘I was being ironic .’
    ‘I don’t know what that means .’
    ‘It means I didn’t actually mean what I said, I… Look, it doesn’t matter. The point is you’re not running away.’
    Jenny stuck out her chin.
    ‘And how are you gonna stop me?’
    ‘I’ll tell your mum. You wouldn’t get a mile out of town.’
    The sudden drop in Jenny’s expression told Grace that she hadn’t thought that part through.
    ‘You’d snitch?’
    There was a moment’s pause, then Jenny stamped her foot hard enough to throw up a cloud of sand.
    ‘Why do you always have to be such a goody two-shoes?!’
    ‘Because a hothead like you needs a goody two-shoes like me to stop you doing stupid things like running away from home. That’s why.’
    ‘Yeah? Well goody two-shoes like you need hotheads like me to make you do fun stuff, or you’d spend your whole life safe in your room doing homework and you’d never do anything interesting ever, ever, ever .’
    ‘Fine, then.’
    ‘ Fine .’
    They both stood in awkward silence, Jenny kicking at the small mound of dirt her stamping foot had caused. Finally,she gave an awkward nod in Grace’s direction but didn’t look at her.
    ‘See you tomorrow, then.’
    ‘See you tomorrow.’

    Adie was

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