The Mating Game: Big Bad Wolf

The Mating Game: Big Bad Wolf by Georgette St. Clair Page B

Book: The Mating Game: Big Bad Wolf by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
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you excited?” There was an amused curl to his lips. “In that case, I’m going to go get all my painting supplies. Tarps, painter’s tape, foam rollers. I’d love to see what you look like when you’re passionate.” His eyes were boring into her as he said that, and there was a roguish gleam in his eye.
    She stifled a moan. So much for painting as a distraction.
    Ryker left the kitchen to go fetch the supplies, and Daisy pried the lid off a container of light-blue paint. The doorbell rang, and Daisy headed to get it, still holding the paint can.
    His mother was there, waving a newspaper in the air and looking fuming mad. Ryker’s aunt Marge was with her.
    “Um, hello?” What could possibly be upsetting Harriet to this level now?
    Harriet shoved the newspaper into her hand.
    “How could you?” she yelled at Daisy.
    “You shameless tramp!” Marge added, shaking her finger in Daisy’s face. “We made you pie! Pie! ” She looked at Harriet in dismay. “You gave her your secret recipe,” she moaned.
    Daisy looked at the page that the newspaper was open to.
    She felt sick to her stomach when she saw what was there. There was an announcement of her engagement to Frasier, printed in her hometown newspaper.
    “How could you humiliate my son like that?” Harriet shouted, her face bright red with anger.
    Before Daisy could answer her, Harriet grabbed the bucket of paint from Daisy and dumped it on her head, sending blue paint cascading down her hair and face.
    Ryker came barreling out the door as Daisy spluttered in astonishment, and blinked paint from her eyes.
    “What the hell are you doing?” he shouted. “You’ve gone around the bend! I will have you committed, I swear on a stack of Bibles I will!”
    “This hussy just announced her engagement to another man.” Harriet put her hands on her hips and sniffed in disgust. “I was completely justified. She’s been two-timing you all along.”
    “She’s a two-timer,” Marge agreed, nodding. “And she has our pie recipe.” She glared at Daisy. “Give it back!”
    “Hey!” Daisy yelled. “I am not engaged to anybody! Frasier was my ex-fiancé, and I have told him a million times that I’m never taking him back. Why would I move in with Ryker if I was engaged? I am one hundred percent sure that my mother ran that announcement.”
    Harriet’s eyes went round and she quickly took a step back. “Oops?” she said.
    Marge quickly dodged behind Harriet. “I told you this was a bad idea,” she said to her sister.
    “Traitor,” Harriet growled at her.
    “You’re lucky you are my immediate family or I swear to God I’d…” Ryker’s face turned red with anger. “Off my property. Now!” he roared at them.
    They turned and scurried off.
    Ryker followed as she stomped a trail of light-blue painty footprints towards the bathroom, muttering under her breath – something about “crazy” and “overprotective” and “boundaries”. Occasionally the tracks were punctuated by a discarded piece of clothing – a dripping shirt, spattered jeans and - his breath caught and his dick hardened – a pristine pair of pale pink cotton panties.
    He hesitated before breaking his stride to scoop them up and hold them against his face. He inhaled deeply. Her unique, intimate scent pervaded his senses, setting his heart tripping in his chest as he quickened his steps.
    He was just in time to catch a quick flash of her smooth, rounded bottom as she disappeared into the bathroom, still using some very unladylike phrases. Well, that was fine. If he got his way and she didn’t throw him out of the bathroom on his butt, he had absolutely no intention of acting like a gentleman.
    The glass walls of the shower stall were already steamed up, and Daisy was a voluptuous blue-streaked blur, but Ryker watched greedily as she raised her arms to run her hands through her red hair. Her full breasts lifted, mouth-wateringly plump, and he almost groaned out loud, his cock an

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