The Marriage Pact

The Marriage Pact by Dinah McLeod Page A

Book: The Marriage Pact by Dinah McLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dinah McLeod
Tags: Romance, BDSM, Erotic Fiction
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in the form of Laura’s seam ripping in the back of her dress when she bent to put her chunky heels on.
    “Hope you know how to sew,” Becky said lightly, as though nothing happening concerned her in the least. And why should it? She had a wonderful man waiting for her at the end of the altar.
    “Of course I do. I’m a doctor, remember?”
    As I went to retrieve my sewing kit—a number one must-have for a wedding day, I’d long since learned—I couldn’t help wishing I had someone waiting for me, too.
    It seemed like I’d just announced that we had thirty minutes to go when it was time to file out. It was as long a processional as I’d ever seen, with three flower girls, two ring bearers and nine women preceding the bride. In no time at all, I heard the music start—Seth had heard the news and hooked his iPad up to the speakers—and the line began moving. Patrice began filing down the aisle, the last one before it was my turn.
    “Good luck,” I whispered to Becky.
    “Don’t trip,” she whispered in my ear.
    It was with a genuine smile that I began to make my way down the aisle. I turned my head from side to side, noting many familiar faces in the crowd. Anyone I didn’t recognize I assumed were part of Seth’s family, not that they were hard to spot. They were all clearly Irish, with the same freckled faces, strawberry blond hair, and clear blue eyes. Becky would fit like a glove, I was sure. Especially if his family was as rambunctious as she’d told me.
    As the strains of the ‘Wedding March’ filled the air, I turned toward the altar and took in Seth’s beaming face. He looked elated, his eyes moving past me and locking onto the woman who was to become his wife.
    And who was that beside him? His best man, I presumed. I’d been wondering who Seth had chosen, but no one ever mentioned it and I’d forgotten to ask. In a parade of eight women, one man was easy to lose in the shuffle. My smile didn’t slip an inch as I cut my eyes in his direction, trying to make him out. Didn’t they always say that the best place to meet your future spouse was at a wedding? He was good-looking, I could see that right off. His suit seemed tailored to his well-muscled body. I let my eyes wander up. Yes, he was handsome. He hadn’t been looking at me, but the minute he did, my heart skipped so hard I stopped in mid-walk. It couldn’t be… but yes, those same brown eyes, those little green flecks laughing at me even all those feet away.
    How could she? How could she do this and not mention it to me? What was she thinking ? My feet were rooted to the floor, my smile having fallen off completely. My brain was screaming for me to run in the other direction while my heart was telling me to walk the few feet I had left. Not knowing which to follow, I just stood still. I barely heard the strains of ‘Here Comes the Bride’ as the song changed. I was oblivious to Seth’s irritated look and the crowd rising to their feet. The only thing I could see was Brody—sexy, smiling Brody who looked just as unchanged as the last time I’d left.
    “Shana, what the hell are you doing?” I heard hissing and turned my attention to the bridal party. Patrice was motioning me forward. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Becky and her father walking toward me, which gave me the courage I needed to scamper up the rest of the way and stand beside Maddie.
    “Thank you,” Becky whispered primly to me once they’d made it. She didn’t look the least bit ruffled or repentant. Oh, of course she wouldn’t.
    I couldn’t focus on the ceremony, hard as I tried. The minute I focused in on the officiant’s voice, my eyes were tempted to wander over to where Seth stood with his best man. Brody was his best man! I just couldn’t get over it. I didn’t even know that they knew each other. Becky had certainly never mentioned it. I turned my attention to the radiant bride, glaring at her, but she didn’t notice. She was staring into Seth’s eyes

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