The Marriage Market

The Marriage Market by Cathy Spencer Page A

Book: The Marriage Market by Cathy Spencer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Spencer
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ladies arrived promptly to collect James the next night.  They clattered through the city streets in Mother Ladbrook’s carriage and were soon deposited outside the Assembly Room with the milling crowd.  Each woman took one of James’ arms to mount the outer stairs.  They nodded and chatted with acquaintances along the way before depositing their wraps with the footmen.  The public rooms were aglow with soft candlelight from the candelabras and crystal chandeliers adorning the walls and ceilings.  The silk of the women’s dresses and the jewels adorning their pale skin gleamed and sparkled as they moved, while the young girls were becomingly chaste in white muslin.  Miss House wore a striking plum-coloured dress cut with a deep décolletage in the latest Paris fashion, while Victoria wore a more modest gown of pale blue.  Some of the gentlemen also sparkled with gemstones, including James, who wore a diamond stickpin in his cravat.  He found chairs for the ladies while they waited for the dancing to commence, taking up his post behind them.  The ballroom filled rapidly as the musicians tuned their instruments.
    Miss House said, “Look, Mrs. Ladbrook, there is a friend of mine, Colonel MacMillan.  He is rather an interesting retired military man.  He keeps an exquisite collection of ceremonial daggers in his library.  I see that he has noticed me and is coming over.”  She nodded at the gentleman and smiled as he bowed over her hand.
    “Very happy to see you here this evening, Miss House.  You are looking well,” he remarked.  He was a gentleman of mature years with stylishly curled hair and an extravagantly high cravat cradling his chin.
    “Thank you, colonel.  How is your sister?”
    “Oh, well enough.  Her back still troubles her on occasion, but she is too deuced pig-headed – pardon me, ladies – to rest when she can be harassing the servants.  How do you do, ma’am,” he added, bowing in Victoria’s direction.
    “Mrs. Ladbrook, Mr. Wovington, let me present my friend, Colonel MacMillan,” Margaret said.  The gentlemen bowed and Victoria nodded.  “I am visiting with Mrs. Ladbrook at her mother-in-law’s home.  You know Mr. David Ladbrook from Eston House, do you not?”
    “Most certainly.  I heard that Ladbrook had taken a charming young wife, and I see that the gossip is true.   I do not often visit out your way, Mrs. Ladbrook, or I dare say we should have met before now.  How do you like your new home?” he asked.
    “Very well, Colonel.  It is a lovely part of the country, and everyone has been most kind in welcoming me.  You must drop in on us someday, and please bring your sister when she feels well enough for a visit.”
    “That is kind of you, Mrs. Ladbrook.  I will pass along your invitation.  Tell me, Miss House,” the colonel asked, turning to the lady, “do you have any space left for me on your dance card?”
    “Of course, Colonel.  I have promised myself to Mr. Wovington for the first dance, but I am free for the second.”
    “Capital, capital.  Pencil me in, please, and I shall be back directly.  And what about you, Mrs. Ladbrook?  Will you favour me with a turn upon the floor?”
    “I should be delighted, sir.  I have the third available, if that is agreeable to you?”
    “Excellent.  I shall have the second and third to look forward to.  See you shortly,” he said, turning to hail another acquaintance.
    The couples started to arrange themselves upon the dance floor.  James turned to Miss House and said, “I believe that I have the pleasure of your company for the first.” 
    She rose from her chair, replying, “Thank you, Mr. Wovington.  I have been looking forward to this all day.” 
    “Then I hope I shall not disappoint you,” he said with a bow.  He offered Miss House his arm and led her onto the floor.  Victoria watched them with great anticipation.  Perhaps a convivial coupling on the dance floor would lead to other

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