The Mandie Collection

The Mandie Collection by Lois Gladys Leppard Page B

Book: The Mandie Collection by Lois Gladys Leppard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Gladys Leppard
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last,” Uncle John said with relief. He called down to Dr. Woodard. “Need me to help, or would I be in the way?”
    â€œWe will manage,” Dr. Woodard called back.
    In a few minutes Dimar appeared on the ladder with Joe’s limp body slung over his shoulder. Dr. Woodard came right behind him, carrying the girls’ aprons. Reaching the top, they laid Joe on the ground, and again covered him with the aprons.
    â€œGo get blanket,” Uncle Ned directed Dimar, pointing back toward Running Fire’s house.
    Dimar hurried off, and Uncle Wirt followed in case he had any trouble.
    As Dr. Woodard examined his unconscious son, Mandie and Sallie explained how they got there.
    Mandie clung to Uncle John, while Sallie hugged her grandfather.
    â€œThe Catawba man, Running Fire, is the one who has been tearing down the hospital,” Mandie told them. “He’s a medicine man.”
    â€œThat explains a lot of things,” said Dr. Woodard.
    Mandie knelt beside Joe, watching the doctor work. “Will he be all right, Dr. Woodard?” she asked, trembling. In the dim light, she could again see the dried blood and bruises on Joe’s ashen face.
    A tired, worried frown creased the doctor’s forehead. “We’ll see,” he said. “We must get him in a warm bed at once.”
    Dimar and Uncle Wirt returned with two heavy blankets.
    â€œWe make bed,” Uncle Ned told them. Laying one blanket on the ground, he waited for Dr. Woodard to move Joe onto it. Uncle Ned covered Joe with the other blanket, then motioned to Uncle Wirt, Uncle John, and Dimar to help him pick up the corners to form a hammock-like bed for carrying Joe.
    Dr. Woodard protested being left out of the operation. “I could carry one corner,” he said.
    â€œNo, it’s better you stay right alongside him,” Uncle John replied as the party started off through the woods, carrying the sick boy to Uncle Ned’s house.

    Tsa’ni carried the lantern as he led Morning Star and Elizabeth to the hospital site. They met no one and heard nothing. Now and then they stopped to call the girls’ names, but received no answer.
    Elizabeth was becoming frantic. She wished she knew how to contact John to get his help.
    While Tsa’ni and the women were searching the woods, the men arrived at Uncle Ned’s house with Joe. When they entered the cabin, they looked around but found no one home.
    â€œWhere is Elizabeth? And Morning Star?” Uncle John said. “Elizabeth! Elizabeth!” he called up the ladder to the attic room. No answer. “Now, don’t tell me they’ve disappeared, too,” he said.
    Mandie quickly climbed the ladder, looked around, and came back down. Then she saw the note on the table. She ran to pick it up. “Uncle John, they’ve gone to look for Sallie and me,” she said, handing him the note.
    â€œOf all things,” said Uncle John, reading the note. “We can’t seem to get all of us together. It’s dark out there now. There’s no telling where they are.”
    Uncle Ned helped Dr. Woodard put Joe in one of the beds near the fireplace, then stirred up the fire. “Morning Star know woods. Not get lost,” he said.
    â€œBut it’s getting late, Uncle Ned. We’d better go find them,” Uncle John said.
    â€œYes, we find,” Uncle Wirt spoke up.
    â€œI will go, too,” Dimar volunteered.
    â€œAmanda, you and Sallie be sure you stay right here with Dr. Woodard,” said Uncle John. “Don’t set foot out of this house for any reason at all. Do you hear me?”
    â€œYes, sir, I understand,” Mandie replied meekly. “I’m sorry we caused so much trouble. We won’t ever go looking for flowers again.”
    â€œI am sorry, too,” Sallie added.
    â€œDr. Woodard may need your help with Joe anyway,” said Uncle John. “We’ll be back as

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