The Magic in her Gift
pleasure. He
gently pulled back its protective hood right before he lowered his
mouth to her mound.
    A whimper of pleasure
escaped her when he plunged his tongue inside her sheath, his
fingers pumping in and out of her channel. She could feel her cream
sliding down toward her ass. Meloir explored her silky folds with
his tongue and fingers, teasing and pinching her sensitive clit. He
extended his tongue and lapped slowly, drilling it as deep inside
as he could get to feast on her juices.
    Without warning, her orgasm
flowed over her body, muting out the sounds of the forest around
them. Before she could catch her breath, he rose up and poised his
shaft at the opening of her body. Leaning in, he took her mouth in
a carnal kiss. Her nails bit into his shoulders as she clung to
him, her breasts flattened against his hair-roughened chest. Her
heart thundered against his own, the rapid beating of both mixing
and mingling until she wasn’t sure which was hers and which was
    “ I love you, my Heart
Mate.” Meloir pushed the head of his cock past the mouth of her
    She flexed her hips and
pressed up as she brought her legs up to grip around his waist.
Lifting up slightly, she pressed the rounded head inside her
farther, rotating her hips in an effort to fit their bodies
together. She locked her ankles behind his back, digging in her
heels, and lifted her arms, looping them around his shoulders and
spearing her fingers through his hair.
    Meloir’s cock ground against
her clit as he pumped steadily in and out. He groaned deep in his
chest when she caught his hips urging him to move faster, to delve
deeper. She clamped her inner walls around his shaft as he pounded
into her.
    Her breathing quickened as
she felt her release build deep inside her pussy. Faster and
faster, he moved until her body stiffened and bright colors swirled
behind her closed eyelids. “Meloir,” she cried out with her
    Meloir clenched his hand in
her hair, holding her still, as he released his seed into the
depths of her body.
    She could feel the jerk of
his cock as he found his own release.
    For several minutes they lay
together in silence, their bodies still joined from their passion.
Then Meloir slowly raised his head. His eyes held a sadness she
didn’t understand.
    “ We’re running out of time,
Sarafina.” His head lowered and his lips brushed softly against her
own. “I need you for my life to be complete, my Heart Mate. Please,
before it’s too late, you must call for me with your
    Sara closed her eyes in
pain. “I don’t know how to call for you, Meloir. I don’t have any
magic,” she sobbed. She could feel the tears leaking from her
closed eyes.
    Meloir slowly untangled
their bodies and got to his feet. “The magic is there, my Heart
Mate. You will find it in your gift.”
    “ What does that –” Her
words cut off when Meloir’s form began to fade. “Wait, don’t go,
please,” she sobbed, coming to her feet. “Don’t leave me alone,”
she begged.
    “ Wait, don’t go,” Sara cried
out as she woke. She sat up and looked around in confusion. Her
clothes and skin were wet from the mist coming off the falls. Her
breasts felt full and her nipples ached against the damp fabric of
her bra. Throwing her hands up, she pressed a fist against her
mouth to stifle a cry and collapsed back down on the soaked grass.
“Another stupid dream,” she whispered. Taking a deep breath, she
got unsteadily to her feet and started down the path that would
lead her back to the beach.
    Sara sat in the rocker on the porch and
stared out at the ocean. Elias was due back any time and she’d no
idea what she was going to say to him. She’d arrived back at the
house after her trip to the waterfall full of angst. She’d been
terrified that Mel wouldn’t accept her decision and terrified that
he would. She hadn’t left the house the past two days in hopes that
he’d come walking down the path.
    Her feelings of guilt

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