The Lure of the Pack
    Otto Von Kurst put his hand into his inside jacket pocket
and pulled out a small oblong box. “Helga, stay calm,” he whispered, “just stay
calm.” Somewhat nervously, he glanced behind him. Sonia was busy in the galley.
Good he thought, quickly opening the oblong box and pulling out a hypodermic
syringe and a vial of yellow liquid. Hurriedly, he plunged the needle into the
vial and drained a small amount of the liquid into the syringe, tapping its
side with his index finger, removing any unwanted, dangerous air pockets. “Your
arm Helga, quickly,” he whispered.
    Helga Zeist tried her best not to cry, but the pain in her
head was unbearable and so too, the visions of the man, the lone wolf…hunting!
Calmly, Von Kurst rolled up Helga’s sleeve, rubbed a small sterile wipe around
a tiny part of her skin and inserted the needle into one of her veins. He
looked around again. Thankfully, there was still no sign of Sonia. “I had hoped
not to use this Helga, but I fear I must, as of now.” With the injection
complete, Von Kurst returned the syringe and vial to the small box and deftly
returned it to his inside jacket pocket. He turned again to Helga and rolled
her sleeve back down her arm. “There my love, the wolf will recede for some
time now. The injection I have given you is a serum developed by my father,” he
paused as Helga vomited into yet another sick bag, her sweat dripping off her
brow and down her pain racked face. “The injection will arrest the shifting of
your body into wolf form for over twenty four hours. Only I know of its
    Helga looked into her lover’s eyes and smiled. “Thank you
Otto,” she whispered weakly, “thank you.”
    Von Kurst held Helga’s hand once more, kissed her gently on
the cheek and whispered again into her ear. “Now Helga, tell me what you have
    “I tell you Herr Standartenfuhrer, it was a fucking Chinook,
I’d recognise that sound anywhere.” The grenadier named Josef knew trouble was
    “Yes I know, I heard it in the distance too. I think it has
landed near the apple grove,” replied Claude Bescann.
    “So what do we do Herr Standartenfuhrer?” There was a look
of tension on Josef’s hardened face as he and three other grenadiers waited for
their orders.
    “We stay calm Josef, and out of sight!”
    “Very well, I will arm the men. We still have several MP44s
in one of the bedrooms.”
    Claude Bescann nodded his head, “yes, do that!” Josef and
the other grenadiers bowed their heads, clicked their heels and swiftly left
Bescann’s office. So, what now, thought The New Totenkopf’s Colonel as he
opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a Glock 17. Sitting back in his
chair with his thoughts racing, he put the handgun gently on his desk and gazed
at the clock.
    “Team Echo, hold position,” Ash Piper’s voice was calm yet
authorative. Both he and the rest of the Team Echo detachment had moved
stealthily but quickly, and were now just several hundred metres from the
southeast section of the farmhouse.
    “Just like Kosovo, hey Ash?” Tim Winters had the same look
in his eyes as Piper. It was a look telling of imminent combat, with only one
simple rule. Kill or be killed!
    “Yes Tim.” Piper scanned the farmhouse with his high-powered
binoculars. “Red Haze to Control.”
    “Reading loud and clear Red Haze,” Colonel Mann stood
watching the events at Claude Bescann’s farmhouse unfold with great
trepidation, so too, were his CEATA colleagues.
    “Team Echo are now in position. I am about to liase with
Captain Rinise then we move in. Can you reconfirm the expected number of combatants
in the target area, over!”
    “Thermal satellite recon suggests eleven combatants total,
one will be Claude Bescann. All are inside the main farmhouse building, most
probably forming defensive positions. They obviously know you are coming Red

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