The Light-Kill Affair

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Book: The Light-Kill Affair by Robert Hart Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Hart Davis
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calling Chancy, please."
    After a moment, Alexander Waverly's crisp accents crackled on a speaker even smaller than the microphone. "Chancy here, Equator. Recording systems set. Go ahead with your report, please. Over."
    Sayres gave his precise latitude, longitude bearings. "We are now set up for long-view scanning. We will now take a three-hundred-sixty degree reading. If you will hold this channel open, we'll make our report."
    He handed the small set to Diego, who held the microphone close to Sayres' lips.
    Sayres took over working the long-view scanner. He set for distance, for range, direction, then worked the fine tuner. He worked casually, expecting nothing, making his report lethargically.
    Suddenly Sayres swore in startled surprise.
    Diego forgot the open channel. He gripped Sayres' arm. "Senor! What is it?"
    Sayres shook his head, waving the other agent away. He stared at the small scanner, speaking into the mike, his voice flat with disbelief. "It's a laboratory, sir. At first it looked like a large green house." He gave the reading on the range and distance finder as from his bearing. "This makes even less sense. But here goes. The lab is glass walled. Makes it easy to see inside. In there, the place is equipped like General Electric.
    "I don't believe it. There are at least half a dozen people working down there, although there are no other buildings around, and absolutely no roads leading in or out of the clearing… Oh, there's the answer to that, sir. A helicopter. That's how they come and go, all right. And in the lab is plant life, exactly like that growing outside, which makes no sense at all, except that some of the plants are in smallest pots and others are giant-sized. And now everybody down there is running around wildly, like ants in a stirred hill, and—"
    Sayres stopped talking when Diego cried out.
    Sayres dropped to his knees, turning, radio and scanner forgotten.
    Death flew in on a silence even more intense than the eerie quiet they'd plodded through all morning.
    Sayres stared at Diego. It was as if he were suddenly illumined by a million-watt intensification of sunlight. He straightened convulsively and then crumpled dead to the ground.
    Sayres plunged forward, scrambling away from the dead agent and his gear.
    It was then he realized that something had broken the silence, a sharp hissing sound.
    Sayres threw himself into the concealment of a tree, gazing across the knoll and the jungle beyond. The tops of the trees, the high vines, everything had been crisped, burned gray and dead.
    Then Sayres saw the beam of light swing across the tops of the trees, leaving petrified ash in its wake.
    The beam returned, lower this time.
    Sayres held his breath, crouching behind the tree. He no longer deceived himself; this tree was no more protection against that beam of light than a leaf.
    He heeled around, crouched low and plunged into the swampy undergrowth. Behind him he heard the hiss as the light burned trees, leaves, vines, searching for him.
    He did not stop to look back. He didn't have to, because the light beam reached beyond him. The range was being steadily increased and he saw that they were going to let him run into it.
    He flung himself face down into the mud. He thrust his hand into his jacket and brought out a small vial with spray attachment.
    Holding the nozzle toward him, Sayres closed his eyes and turned, sitting up. His thumb came down on the sprayer, but it was too late. The light beam struck him, seeming to glance across him.
    He stayed a moment in that rigid position as if instantly petrified by that incredible heat. He tottered slightly, and then did not move again. He was dead.
    NAPOLEON SOLO faced the four people about the conference table.
    "And that's it," Solo said, scowling. "Sayres' report ends there, abruptly."
    Solo was medium tall, slender, with dark brown hair, now mussed. He could have been, at first glance, a doctor, lawyer, advertising man. Despite the

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