The Lawman's Betrayal

The Lawman's Betrayal by Sandi Hampton Page A

Book: The Lawman's Betrayal by Sandi Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandi Hampton
Tags: Western,Scarred Hero/Heroine
Russell. Confusion knotted her brow. She must be missing something.
    “So what are you doing here, Cooper?” the sheriff persisted.
    Another shrug.
    “He was kind enough to escort me,” Naomi explained.
    The sheriff turned to her. “Well, Mrs. Brecker, I’m as surprised to see you as I am him. When did you get out of prison? I ain’t heard nothing about you getting out.”
    Naomi bit her lips to keep a sharp retort at bay. “For your information, that is, if it’s any of your business, I’m a free woman. I’ve been pardoned by the governor, not that I’m guilty of anything.”
    “What did you come back here for?”
    “And why not? There’s still a lot of unanswered questions, Sheriff. I’d still like some answers.” She crumpled her napkin, then quickly lay it aside.
    “Everybody here has already closed the books,” he retorted. “I doubt anybody will even talk to you.”
    “Well, I want to talk to some of them, specifically Rose Morales.”
    “You ain’t heard?”
    “Heard what?”
    “She’s dead.”
    “Dead? When? I don’t understand.”
    With his thumb, Sheriff Russell pushed his hat back. “Poor girl. Got herself killed by some drunken cowboy. Terrible shame.”
    “But that can’t be…” Naomi’s heart threatened to burst out of her chest. All her questions…would never be answered.
    “When did this happen?” Wes asked.
    Russell tapped his forefinger against his lips. “Hmmm, let’s see. It was shortly after the trial. Maybe two weeks afterward.”
    “Quite a coincidence.” Wes’s lips curled into a sneer.
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    Wes shrugged. Again. “I guess you investigated the murder.” His eyebrows lifted in question. “Did you find the killer?”
    “Yeah, but unfortunately, he got shot while trying to escape.” A smirk trailed across Russell’s face before he hid it.
    “All tied up in a neat little bow.”
    The waiter appeared with their food. Wes turned his back to Russell, dismissing him. “If you’ll excuse us.”
    After a moment, the lawman slouched off.
    “Oh, Wes, I can’t believe she’s dead.” Her voice trembled. “I feel sorry for the poor girl. I don’t know why she lied, but that’s terrible. I’ll never get answers to my questions now. I’ll never know what really happened.”
    Wes patted her hand. “Maybe it’s better this way.”
    “No.” She choked back a sob. “No, no, no. I need answers. To put this behind me, I have to know why. Can’t you understand that?”
    “I understand your life is in danger. Since the Morales woman is dead, and you can’t talk to her, let me take you away from here.”
    “If you were in my shoes, U.S. Marshal Wes Cooper, would you leave? Tell me truthfully.”
    “Well, no, but—”
    “That’s right. You wouldn’t leave, and neither will I. Maybe my presence alone will shake the bad apples out of the tree. If I can’t find anything out in, say a month, I will leave. After all, my ranch, my home, is gone, too.”
    “Whenever you make that decision, whatever it is, I’ll be there.” He cleared his throat. “So now let’s eat. This steak looks delicious.”
    Wes followed Naomi up the dimly-lit stairway. She stopped in front of her room and turned to him.
    “Thank you…again. I feel like I’m always thanking you…for something.”
    He grinned. “You’re welcome.” He stretched out his hand. “Give me your key. I’m going to make sure everything is clear—no unwanted guests. I don’t want to take any chances.”
    “Oh, okay.” She handed him the key and stepped aside.
    He unlocked the door. “You stay here.”
    She nodded.
    Wes pulled his gun, then opened the door. He peered inside. Although the room was dark, he saw nothing. No movement disturbed the stillness. He stepped inside the room and walked around, stooping to peer under the bed. “All clear.”
    As Naomi walked into the room, he pulled a match, lit the lamp, and turned to her. “Lock the door and stay

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