The Land: Forging (Chaos Seeds Book 2)
    She, because despite being only six inches tall there was no doubt as to her femininity, was clad in white cloth that looked like a woman’s slip. Her skin was a pale blue that contrasted with the jet black hair. Her eyes were still closed when she tilted her head back, opened her mouth and began to sing.
    There were no words. There didn’t need to be. Images came clear to the minds of all present, produced from the pure light of her voice. She sang of love and family. Of a people dedicated to life and the cultivation of forests. Then the song became melancholy, and imparted a story of death and loss. The melody spoke of an entire people dying out. The music pulled sorrow out of Richter’s soul and he wept.
    The tone became frantic as the survivors struggled to stay ahead of the plague that had savaged her people. The complexity of the song had decreased as the pixie sang, and all present realized that the loss of each tone it represented the loss of a life. Suddenly there were only two tones left from the entire tapestry of beauty they had initially heard. The incalculable loss tore at the hearts of everyone present. It was enough to bring Richter to his knees.
    Out of despair, though, came one note of hope. A hope for a people to one day be reborn. The light and younger tone… a daughter, was overjoyed by the news. The queen mother sang once again of love, and then then sacrifice. A life consumed by a spell to halt time. The two tones became one, and the remaining tone was once again overcome with sorrow and grief. And the then the song ended, not tapering away, but abruptly shut off, as if the remaining life was walled away from the world.
    Richter continued to weep on his knees, but with the ending of the song was able to collect himself once again. He looked around and saw everyone present was weeping freely, many laying down, completely overcome. A warmth wrapped around his shoulders, his familiar drawn to comfort him in his sorrow. Even Yoshi’s gruff exterior was overcome, and tears trailed down his cheeks. Richter’s eyes ached from expressed sorrow, but he could see the prompt clearly.
    HARK AND REJOICE! The pixie that emerged from the Royal Pixie Chrysalis was none other than a queen! Her mother sacrificed her life to keep her daughter in stasis until the plague had died out. The pixie race can be reborn!
    Congratulations! You have won +3,000 fame points! You have brought back the lost race of Royal Pixies!
    Congratulations! You have advanced to Reputation Level 3! “You seem like someone I should listen to” New quests and opportunities will become available to you!
    You have completed the Quest: Resurgence of Light I. Reward: 6,250 (base 5,000) experience
    You have unlocked the Quest: Resurgence of Light II. Witness the following interaction between Hisako and the pixie queen to learn more.
    Hisako was the only one in the glade that had stayed on her feet. She looked at the small pixie in her hands and said, “Your mother’s sacrifice was not in vain. Hope still exists while you are here. Sprites still exist in many places in The Land, and we will all fight and die for you. You are home my queen!”
    The pixie opened her eyes and looked at Hisako. Each sclera was cornflower blue, but her irises were an intense violent, that glowed in the night. With a flap of her wings she flew up and hovered in front of the Hearth Mother’s face. Her voice was the piping notes of a piccolo, “But I am all alone! I have no one!” The sorrow in those two short sentences was heart wrenching.
    “You are not alone, little one,” Hisako said. Her voice was full with sympathy and comfort. “Though you and your people have been absent from the land for long centuries, you have not been forgotten. We have kept your memory alive through the old stories. Every sprite living has grown hearing the stories of your people’s beauty and goodness. The deeds of great pixies live on in our stories. We well

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