The Ladykiller

The Ladykiller by Martina Cole Page A

Book: The Ladykiller by Martina Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martina Cole
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Thrillers
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that the house was decorated in superb taste. Not what she expected at all. She looked around, impressed despite herself. Obviously Kelly’s money ran to interior designers. She followed Kelly into the drawing room and took a seat on the chesterfield. The room was beautiful, with the original ceiling roses and cornices; the walls were lined with books, everything from leather-bound volumes to garish paper-backs. It was predominantly silver grey with dusky pink carpets and curtains. It was a room designed by a woman, Kate was certain. It had a woman’s feel for colour and space. Men tended to put things in the first place available and just leave them there. Women thought a room out, knew how a room would look at its best. Women, Kate had observed, took time with details. Small details that could make a room like this.
    Despite its immense size, it was a homely room and obviously well lived in. A sleek black cat lay asleep before the fire. Her eyes rested on Kevin Cosgrove, who sat whitefaced and subdued. Kate guessed, rightly, that he was the boyfriend, and that he had been having a hard time from Kelly.
    She took the Scotch Kelly offered and sipped it gratefully. This was the last thing she had wanted tonight. Even with Dan, the long lost father’s return, this was still not what she needed. The Scotch was good and she savoured it for a second before she looked at Kelly directly.
    ‘What makes you think that your daughter’s gone missing? She could be at a friend’s, anything.’
    Patrick stared at Kate as if seeing her for the first time.
    ‘What did you say your name was?’
    ‘Detective Inspector Burrows.’
    Kelly put his tongue between his lips and stared at her for a long moment as if committing her to memory. The action and the tone of voice were not lost on Kate and she felt her temper rising. He was trying to tell her she was here at Flowers’s express command and she had better take this seriously. Kate fought down the urge to confront him. Instead she broke his gaze by putting her drink on the small occasional table beside her and rooting around in her bag for her notebook and cigarettes. It was going to be a long evening.
    As she put a cigarette in her mouth, Kevin Cosgrove gave her a light, his hands shaking. Kate put her hand over his and held her cigarette to the flame. His eyes held a warning and he shook his head imperceptibly.
    Kate breathed in the cigarette smoke and sat back, crossing her legs.
    Kelly watched her from his chair and approved of her. She had a bit of spunk and he liked that. Providing she didn’t ‘come it’ with him, she was a woman he’d want in his corner if the time came. He looked into her eyes as she spoke.
    ‘Why are you so worried about your daughter, Mr Kelly?’ As she spoke, Kate realised that the man really was worried. This was not an over-anxious father throwing his weight around, this was a genuinely worried man.
    ‘This prat here was supposed to pick my daughter up at eight.’ He flicked his head at Kevin, who kept his eyes firmly on the carpet. ‘He had her motor, her car. He went to pick her up and she wasn’t there. I’ve rung her mates, her aunt, the fucking manageress of the shop where she works, I’ve rung everyone in Grantley and I can’t find her. This is no girlish prank, Ms Burrows. My baby is definitely on the missing list. Now then, what are you going to do about it?’
    Kate took another drag on her cigarette and met the dark blue eyes full on.
    ‘Has Mandy ever gone missing like this before?’
    Kelly shook his head. ‘Nope. Never. Me and Mandy are like that.’ He crossed two of his fingers together. He licked his lips and took a large gulp of brandy.
    Kate pushed her hair off her face and watched Kelly. He was handsome all right. In other circumstances she would have given him a second glance. This was the first time she had seen him in person. Oh, she’d seen pictures of him, everyone had. But in the flesh, he had a presence. He was a

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