The Killing Code

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Book: The Killing Code by Craig Hurren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Hurren
Tags: thriller, Mystery
looking out the window while he waited. A moment later, a smooth and soothing voice spoke from beside him.
    “ Welcome back. Would you like a drink while you look at the menu?”
    Alan turned to the voice and saw a woman perhaps fiv e years younger than he, with a very attractive face and soft, flowing brown hair to her shoulders. Her hazel eyes sparkled despite the low light and her full red lips formed an entrancing smile. He found her pleasing looks and easy manner disarming and looked at her quizzically.
    “ I’m sorry but do I know you?”
    “ No but I’ve seen you in here a couple of times before so I assume you’re a local. This is the first time you’ve sat in my section.” she smiled warmly.
    Alan felt a wave of shyness come over him. “I haven’t been here for a while; you must have quite a memory for faces.”
    “ Only the ones I like. Oh, I’m sorry! That must have sounded very forward. I just meant that you have a kind face but your eyes seem somehow sad. Besides, you don’t see many well dressed, good looking men eating alone here. It’s more of a couples place.”
    Now Alan was definitely disar med. Never before had he just met a woman who spoke to him like this – especially not one so attractive. It was both disconcerting and charming at once, and he found himself floundering and lost for words.
    “ I’m flattered miss but… I’m sorry; what’s your name?”
    “ I’m Holly. What’s yours?”
    “ It’s Alan… Alan Beach.”
    “ Well, it’s nice to meet you.” She held her hand out to shake and Alan felt the softness of a woman’s touch for the first real time since he lost his wife. “So, about that drink…”
    “ Uh yes, sorry. Do you have anything good on tap?”
    “ Leave it to me Alan… Alan Beach.” she said playfully.
    “ Just plain old ‘Alan’ will do fine Holly.”
    “ OK Alan. I’ll bring you one of our best microbrews.”
    Holly handed Alan a menu, backed away one step smiling then turned and walked to the bar casting him a glance over her shoulder as she went. Alan was affected by her attractive appearance and delicate fragrance but mostly bewildered by her flirtatious behavior. His confidence with women had long ago faded and he couldn’t even be sure of his interpretations, let alone understand why a woman like her would show interest in him. He began to look at the menu but couldn’t help stealing glances at her as she moved around the room. On one occasion, Holly looked up from a table she was clearing to catch him staring at her and smiled knowingly as he jerked his gaze back to the menu. A few moments passed and he saw her approaching with his beer in a frosty mug.
    “ Here it is Alan; our finest house ale - enjoy. Are you ready to order?”
    “ Yes please. I’ll have a Caesar Salad and an Alberta rib eye, medium, with a baked potato.”
    “ Good choice; we’ve got the best steaks in town but I guess you already knew that.”
    “ I can’t argue with you there.”
    Alan watched her leave again, almost hypnotically, until she disappeared into the kitchen. He took a long draw from his icy cold mug and enjoyed the complex flavors of the artfully crafted beer. The recent proliferation of microbreweries in the area was a welcome change to the usual mass produced bottled and canned beers and Alan enjoyed sampling the variety when time would allow. Sipping his beer and watching traffic and pedestrians pass by the window, he began to relax and feel some contentment creeping in for the first time in years.
    “ One Caesar Salad and one Canadian rib eye, medium, with a baked potato.” Holly’s silken voice brought him back. “Would you like to try a different beer Alan?”
    “ Thanks. I’ll trust your expertise again.”
    “ Oh, I’m no expert but I do know what I like. Back in a minute.”
    Alan pressed his knife into the thick, meaty steak and it yielded to the blade almost like butter. Holly came back with a Pilsener style beer and set it down

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