The Keepers
one which is chosen to be arbitrarily absolute. It can
also be easily deduced that if there is a god, there must be an
anti-god too, where when the god says live, the anti-god says the
opposite. How long have humans been living with (even though the
practice was not severe) a god? For a long time, so long a time
that a child needs not to be told but can derive the need for a god
on its own.”
    The First
paused again, he was on the podium standing as would a
lecture stand to first-year students on
the first day of college . His stern,
assertive voice and his tall and lean figure drew attention to
himself, even when not talking, the eyes of his peers were on him.
He was the man. He walked around the podium to the desk near the
desk where the meeting stenographer was seated . The brilliant light from
the chandelier made the water in the decanter on the desk sparkle
and gave it the colours of the rainbow that alternated as he
approached it. In an easy manner he took the decanter and poured
himself a glass of water. He drank and as he drank, his masculine
neck made his large Adam's apple move up
and down. During this act, not one in the room looked away from
him. He was the man. He lowered the glass.
    “ Now, stepping
up the sex character to a point where it means happiness will make
sex the reference point. Gentleman, understand that the human race
is fresh from war, fresh from oppression, fresh from hurt, they are
vulnerable, the anti-god effect will act. Considers us lucky that
we can focus the attack. If not sex where then should it be
focused? On fighting again? On their emotions so that they curse
God? Yes the value of sex and its integrity will be lost but there
are more things of value than sex, if we focus the attack on sex,
then sex itself will relieve them.”
    He paused again and drank the
remaining water in the glass. From the expressions on keepers'
faces, the paused seemed to annoy them, they wanted him to talk, to
make a choice because after all the supporting and opposing
reasons, really, all that mattered was the choice he would
    “ We know what
sex is. We can control sex.” He allowed the statement sink in by stopping.
    The First-rank-opposite took
this chance to ask a question.
    “ So, Sir
First, what is the plan?”
    “ The plan,
first-rank-opp, is simple. We will simply need an orphan who we will raise to save
the world.” The First smiled self ingratiatingly .“Meeting
adjourned, I and The First-rank-opp shall remain.”
    The rest of
the keepers reluctantly rose from their seats and headed for the
exit opposite the podium. The stenographer was not sure whether to stay or to leave but The First nodded
for the latter and she also rose and left. The First stepped down
from the podium, went down the stairs of the stage and made his way
to where The First-rank-opp was seated. The First-rank-opp shifted
uncomfortably in his seat. He knew that when it was just the two of
them, there was no opposing The First ’s
judgement . He knew that whatever The First said,
he would just have to take in as would a private do with a general.
    The First took
the seat next to The First -rank-opp and
sat down with a heavy sigh, as would a man do after sex. This
made The First -rank-opp even more
uncomfortable. Even more so when The First turned his head and looked at him straight in the eye with
his deep black eyes that where as a pit which stored years upon
years of wisdom, eyes that told that to every problem, there is a
solution. Pitch black eyes which told that the solution was not
always a benevolent solution . He looked
down and sighed, fearfully, but The First maintained looking directly at him.
    “ The antigod
effect has never been more powerful, in all my years of
keeping , that is. ” He folded his
arms and he let his elbows rest on his knees for
dramatic effect, “But luckily, we are smarter. ”
    “ Care to
elaborate further about the plan, Sir First?” The
First -rank-opp was annoyed by the way

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