The Job (Volume One)
website a little more. I never realized it, but you can really buy or sell anything on Craigslist. Need a free sofa? They got you covered. Not that there is anything appealing to me about it. Cars, antiques, anything and everything - it is available. Hell, there is even a discussion board to talk about local events and bad mouth local businesses. This is my kinda place!
    “MOMMMMMMMMMMM! Grace is eating crayons again!” Brady yells from the hallway. I take a deep breath and count to ten before closing my laptop and making my way to the chaos. The calm of the past hour was sure to be disturbed. It always is. Some days, all I wish for is peace and quiet. Just a couple minutes without someone’s temper tantrum or nuclear meltdown. All new behavior since their father moved out. Mainly from Grace because she just doesn’t understand what is actually happening.
    “Grace, honey! Stop with the crayons!” My voice bellows through the towering stairway. The strange stuff my daughter has began eating should probably be some kind of red flag, but it’s just something else I have no desire to tackle. At least until it costs us a visit to the emergency room.
    Stopping on the stairway landing, I pause looking up at the mirror that hangs across from me. Frankly, I don’t recognize the woman looking back at me. My once long caramel locks are greasy and pulled back without a care. My eyes are red and puffy, showcasing the wrinkles my overpriced cream clearly isn’t helping to hide or repair as advertised. The blue of my eyes isn’t vibrant with life like it once was. Drew took that from me. He dulled everything about the once gorgeous woman I was. I am willing to bet he will do the same to the arm piece he has now. It is only a matter of time.
    I shake away my thoughts and continue to bark orders at the children. Looking at the time on my cell phone, I realize their father will be here shortly to pick them up for the weekend. Or at least until Grace starts crying and begging to come back home to her own room. She craves stability, much like me. I’ve always been this way and she is a carbon copy of me as a young girl. Minus the crayons.
    “Ten minutes till your father is here to pick you up. Make sure your bags are at the front door, and Grace, you need to go brush your teeth. I don’t want to see any crayon left!” Ten minutes. I can make it without losing my shit. I can do this.
    Beeps echo through the cul de sac where my spacious four bedroom house sits and I am instantly annoyed that Drew is early to pick the children up. I shouldn’t be though. I should be relieved. I should feel like a weight has been lifted off of me for the day. God knows I need it. Hell, I need a hot bath and a massage too. Alas, there is no way I would give him any sort of credit.
    The boys walk past me without a goodbye, grabbing their bags next to the front door and going on their way. Grace pauses at the door and looks back at me still standing on the stairs with a grim look on my face. She can read me, way too well I might add.
    “I’ll miss you, Mommy.” For five, she is still such a sweet girl. I walk down the last couple stairs and wrap my arms around her dainty body.
    “Mommy loves you, baby girl. Now let me see your teeth,” We both let out a laugh and I make sure all the remnants of the crayons are gone before sending her out the door with her princess backpack in tow. “See you on Sunday! Have a good time.” I yell to the children as they all climb into their father’s overly expensive sports car, which can barely fit all of them comfortably.
    I watch them in a daze until I notice Drew and his friendly wave. Instead of waving back and doing the right thing, I slam the front door shut and turn to make my way back upstairs for the bathtub that is still calling my name. Never mind, I am going to make a detour for a bottle of wine on the way. I’m gonna need it to finish my job hunt.

    Three months of job listings and three glasses of

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