The IT Guy
spoke for a minute, until I had to break the silence.
    “May I ask why?”
    “I don’t know,” said Luke, “I’m just too nervous I guess. I’m too afraid to hit on girls, and when they hit on me, I just clam up and can’t do anything. I always kick myself later, but there it is. My romantic experience in a nutshell.”
    Luke excused himself to go grab us a few more beers, and I thought about what he’d said. Seeing the sadness in his blue eyes broke my heart: here was this nice, cute, smart, fun guy who had missed out on so much human affection, just because of his fears. And here I was, a hot young woman in need of a little bit of male companionship here and there. I felt the beginning of a scheme hatching in my brain.
    By the time Luke got back to the table, my idea was fully formed.
    “Luke, do you think I’m attractive?” I asked
    “Jesus, you really aren’t pulling any punches today.”
    “I’m serious, please, just answer me honestly.”
    He began to shake his head no, but seemed to reconsider, and instead took a deep breath.
    He dropped his gaze, as if expecting me to laugh at him or get upset.
    I leaned over and put my hand on his knee. “I think you’re attractive too,” I whispered in his ear.
    Luke looked up at me and I smiled when our eyes met. It took a second, but he returned my smile, albeit shyly.
    “Of course, seriously. I wouldn’t say it otherwise.”
    Luke beamed and while I could see he was still nervous, he definitely looked more comfortable.
    “Luke,” I asked, “Would you like to fuck me?”
    He froze and for a second I thought maybe I’d gone too far and literally scared him to death, but he took a gulp of his beer, swallowed hard and responded.
    My smile widened. So far so good. “Well, I have a proposal for you, Luke, a proposal of the indecent variety.”
    Luke cocked an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”
    “What if I helped you get over your anxiety?”
    Luke furrowed his brow suspiciously. “What are you suggesting exactly?”
    “I’m suggesting that you fuck me.”
    “OK now I know you’re messing with me.”
    “I’m serious. Look, we get along great, and I don’t have a regular thing going. Why not?”
    Luke scowled. “I don’t want to be your pity fuck.”
    “Oh please, Luke, I don’t do pity fucks.” I put my hand over his and waited until he looked me in the eyes to speak again.
    “I’m offering because I think you’re hot and I want you to fuck me. This isn’t because I feel bad for you. Sure I’ll be lending you a hand, but I definitely benefit from this, OK?”
    Luke was quiet, so I continued.
    “We can take it as slow as you like and it will be no strings attached whatsoever. You can get your first time out of the way so you’re relaxed and confident when you’re with someone you really like.”
    Luke seemed to take in what I said, and nodded. I withdrew my hand and took a sip of my beer. We sat drinking in silence for a few minutes, when finally, Luke spoke.
    “OK? You wanna do it?”
    “Yeah, I think so. But, I’m worried I’ll freak out.”
    “Don’t worry. We’ll take it slow. I promise.” I took his hand again and gave it a squeeze. “It’s going to be great.”
    Luke smiled back at me, and by then we had finished our drinks.
    “I’ve got this one,” he said, paying the tab.
    “You don’t have to do that.”
    He shrugged. “It’s my pleasure.”
    “Well, this is mine.”
    I reached up to cup his chin with my hand. I brought his face to mine and kissed him softly, nibbling gently at his lower lip. When I felt him respond to the kiss, I gently slid my tongue into his mouth to find his. His kiss was tentative at first, but soon he was matching my intensity and I felt his hands come to rest at my waist. I put my arms around his neck and let myself really fall into the kiss. Any concerns I might have had about his inexperience making for an unpleasant encounter were heading

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