The Islamic Antichrist

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Authors: Joel Richardson
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Messiah. But this is really just trickery. While it is true that Islam does retain the title of Messiah for Jesus, when one asks a Muslim to define what the title “Messiah” actually means in Islam, the definitions given are always hollow and fall entirely short of containing any truly messianic substance. In Islam, Jesus is merely another prophet in a very long line of prophets. Biblically speaking, however, the role of the Messiah among other things entails being a divine priestly savior, a deliverer, and the king of the Jews. As we saw in earlier chapters, rather than delivering His followers, the Muslim Jesus leads Israel’s enemies against her and seeks to convert or kill all the Jews and Christians. This would the equivalent of calling Adolph Hitler, rather than Moses, Israel’s deliverer. But the Apostle John informs us that in the last hour, a man is coming who will fully personify the antichrist spirit and deny many of the essential biblical doctrines regarding who Jesus is and what He came to do. That man will be the Antichrist.
    In order to properly understand the antichrist spirit of Islam, there are two doctrines that must first be understood. Tawhid refers to the belief in the absolute oneness of God. Islam adheres to the strictest form of unitarian monotheism possible. In Islam, God is utterly alone . But in order to understand tawhid , one must understand that it is more than just a doctrine; in Islam, belief in tahwid is an absolute commandment. And if adherence to tawhid is the highest and most important commandment in Islam, then the greatest sin is shirk . Shirk is, in essence, idolatry. From the “Invitation to Islam” newsletter published by a Muslim group from Toronto, we read a very telling statement that helps us to understand exactly how shirk is viewed by Muslims:
Murder, rape, child molesting, and genocide. These are all some of the appalling crimes which occur in our world today. Many would think that these are the worst possible offences which could be committed. But there is something which outweighs all of these crimes put together: It is the crime of shirk . 1
    Thus many Muslims feel as though believing in the Trinity or ascribing divinity to Jesus are among the greatest sins conceivable. In fact, believing in these essential Christian doctrines is more than just a sin; it is the most heinous of all crimes ! In the Muslim mind, shirk refers not only to the beliefs of polytheists or pagans, but also to the essential historical doctrines of the Christian faith. We will examine these three essential doctrines and how Islam specifically denies them.
    The religion of Islam has as one of its foundational beliefs a direct denial of Jesus as God’s Son. This denial is found several times throughout the Qur’an:
In blasphemy indeed are those that say that God is Christ the son of Mary. (Sura 5:17; Yusuf Ali)
They say: “God hath begotten a son!”—Glory be to Him! He is self-sufficient! His are all things in the heavens and on earth! No warrant have ye for this! Say ye about Allah what ye know not? (Sura 10:68; Yusuf Ali)
They said, “The Most Gracious has begotten a son”! You have uttered a gross blasphemy. The heavens are about to shatter, the earth is about to tear asunder, and the mountains are about to crumble. Because they claim that the Most Gracious has begotten a son. It is not befitting the Most Gracious that He should beget a son. (Sura 19:88–92 Rashad Khalifa)
[T]he Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; [in this] they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! (Sura 9:30; Yusuf Ali, emphasis mine)
    The Qur’an pronounces a curse on those who believe that Jesus is God’s Son. People who say such things utter “gross blasphemies” and are likened to “unbelievers” or infidels. Without question then,

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