The Intruder

The Intruder by Joannie Kay Page A

Book: The Intruder by Joannie Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joannie Kay
Tags: Romance, BDSM, spanking
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sweetheart?" he asked. When she nodded, he said, "It creates a very nice burn when peeled and pushed into your backside, and once the pain of the burn recedes a bit, it leaves you feeling horny as hell. You came close to learning that today. As it is, this time I'm only going to give you a few more spanks just to reinforce the promise you made."
    "Please don't spank me again, Jake. I just don't think I can handle another spanking tonight. Please...?" she begged shamelessly. "You could have me write lines or an essay or stand in the corner for an hour... anything but another spanking...?"
    Jake hadn't thought of any of those, but had to admit there was merit in choosing an alternative to spanking. The lesson needed to be given, but she was sore, and sitting to write lines would be a damned good reminder. "Very well, sweetheart. You can sit at the kitchen table and write 'I will not use my body to try and escape a punishment.' over and over until you reach five hundred times. I will give you two hours to get this done, and if it isn't, then you get the rest in spanks, and sent to bed early. No fussing, no arguing, no complaining, no begging off, or you'll get the spanking in full."
    "But what about dinner?" she asked. "It'll be ruined if we wait another two hours to eat."
    "We'll eat now and then you can sit undisturbed for your punishment." To Kari's credit, she didn't argue. She merely slipped out of her sweater and bra and found a long tee shirt to put on. She didn't bother with panties because her bottom felt swollen to twice its normal size, and she didn't think she could stand anything snug on her spanked butt.
    At least Jake wasn't angry or upset with her now, and she had a much better understanding of him. She wouldn't use sex as a manipulative tool again now that she knew how it made him feel. It didn't take her long to put the finishing touches on their dinner and she was pleased when Jake complimented her cooking. She knew she wasn't nearly as good a cook as his Mom, but she did know how to keep them from starving, and she wasn't averse to learning more recipes. She wanted to keep her husband happy. When they were finished eating, Jake told her she could get started on her lines while he cleaned the kitchen.
    After a few minutes of writing as quickly as possible, hoping to get the five hundred lines done quickly, Kari was dismayed to realize that there was no way possible to finish all five hundred in the two hours he'd allotted! She was writing as quickly as she could and still be neat and legible, but the most she could write in one minute was three of them, and that added up to only one hundred and eighty per hour, if she didn't stop to breathe! She was going to be short over one hundred lines! The thought was depressing, especially since sitting on the chair was causing considerable discomfort, too. She continued to do her best, but when Jake came to tell her the two hours was up, she wanted to cry.
    "How many did you write?" he frowned. He'd expected her to be done well before the two hours was up. He knew she was writing hard every time he looked in on her, and seemed to be taking the punishment seriously.
    "I got three hundred and sixty-two," Kari admitted. "I could only write three a minute, Jake. I tried, but it wasn't possible for me to finish."
    "I didn't think it would take so long," he told her. "I thought you'd be done at least half an hour ago." He looked into her troubled eyes. "Do you think you'll remember your promise, sweetheart?" he wanted to know.
    "Yes, I gave you my word, and I intend to keep it," she insisted.
    "Good. This is done, then. I'm not going to spank you when I gave you too many to get done... it wouldn't be fair. You did your best, and I'm proud of you. Now, can I hold my wife and tell her how much I love her?" he wanted to know, and smiled when she practically flew into his arms. He picked her up and carried her into the living room and snuggled with her on the sofa. It was sometime

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